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Super Snow Weekend in Minneapolis

I've been talking Brooke's ear off about a really cool DIY ice trail at Wirth Park. So we made a date out of it, she claimed it wasn't going to be cleared and when we got there it was perfect.

It snowed the day before with more snow coming this weekend so I thought no way was someone going to go through all that work to shovel. I guess I was wrong. 

This was way cooler than I thought it would have been. I wish the kids had been with us.

About a dozen other skating enthusiasts were out skating the circuitous circuit. 

After a few laps we called it a day.

Meadow had been requesting Japanese breakfasts. This morning I made Japanese pancakes. They are time consuming to make but so worth it. 

This might have been the best breakfast Brooke's made in ages. 10/10. I'd eat it again.

Hey, Pecan!

Then the snow came. After it stopped we played the rest of the day outside.

It's been awhile since we've had a good snowfall. 

Why not shove a Tonka truck full of snow down the slide?

I love seeing the city right before anyone shovels.

Then it was time to clear the rink.

Theo's a really good helper at caring for the rink.

Theo and I worked together, but he always wants to do it by himself.

We haven't been sledding in years. On the way to Minnehaha Falls Regional Park we saw this hill at Bloomington and Parkway.

At first Theo didn't want to go. He had forgotten how much fun it is. 

Don't just let your kids have all the fun. Join in!

It's way better than just standing there. 

Theo and I wanted to do a train with all four of us going down the hill, but the girls chickened out.

Despite the kiddos protests we stopped by Minnehaha Falls before calling it a day.

Theo really wanted to go behind the frozen falls but it was getting dark soon. 

Perfect as usual.

We missed the Luminary Loppet for the 20th or so year in a row, but Brooke and I decided to check out what was leftover.

I guess you can go without a ticket, you just can't go on the official trails. Next year we'll have to see how close you can get. 

Think we just need to bite the bullet and pay the $100 for entry next year.

I need to figure out how to make these. 

It would be so cool to see at night. 

The moral of the weekend is that a snowy Minneapolis is good Minneapolis.


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