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Scott's Actual Birthday Weekend in Minnneapolis: Jade Dynasty and Art Shanty Projects Edition

The day after we got back from the cottage Theo and I went to his first Timberwolves game.

He was a bit scared in the upper deck, but got used to it and loved the game.

Later that week it was finally my actual birthday. An unseasonably warm end to January has meant we haven't been skating. I thought we could walk to the new restaurant I wanted to try out for my (second) birthday dinner.

It felt like fall outside.

The old Fuji-Ya (Minneapolis' original sushi joint) at Lyn-Lake is now Jade Dynasty and I've been wanting to try it out for weeks. The owners previously owned Hong Kong Noodles in Stadium Village and Nankin in Downtown. 

We upgraded to Beef and Broccoli.

We were hoping the table would have the giant turntable like at MingHin in Chicago.

But it was the lo mein  and dumplings that were the highlights.

Cool space.

It is. 

Glad we went when we did because it was quite busy when we left. 

Back at home I debated where to buy my ice cream cake from. I settled on Bebe Zito's The Parent Trap cake. 

This family loves our ice cream cakes. 

I thought it was better than Sebastian Joe's oreo cake.

Theo has been requesting "apple"skivers for breakfast. 

The next day we went to the Art Shanty Projects on a windy first day of February.

We seem to always miss this every year. 

With no snow on the ground the lake was a slip and slide. Should've brought our skates.

I'm glad I brought my ice tracks. 

Art Shanty's is still rad after all these years.

Though they seem to be less shanty. 

You know we had to wait in line for the cat shanty. 

You got to dress and pretend to be a cat. Meadow's dream.

This shanty let you work a loom.

After Meadow got a turn, Theo wanted to try too.

The weaving shanty was the coolest of the ones we got to see.

We would've stayed longer, but it was freezing. 

The wind was so strong Theo and I got pushed by the wind and didn't have to do any work. 

Then we went to one of our favorite toy stores to get a birthday gift. 

Some kind of virus is going around at work and got me. I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch watching The Simpson's. I forgot how good this show is. 


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