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Fox Valley Thanksgiving and 2 Visits to Green Bay (Theo's First Packers Game)

Before leaving for Thanksgiving, Scott had to clean the pool.

Remind me to look like even more of an idiot and whack all the leaves out of the trees before filling the rink next year.   

As we got near Eau Claire we drove into a freak snowstorm. There were tons of accidents and they even closed off part of the highway.

I looked it up later and this apparently was created by steam from a factory in nearby Menominee.

Just as soon as the snowstorm came it was gone.

I could finally let Brooke take a turn driving. She hates driving in the snow, in the rain, at night...what am I her dangerous driving chauffeur?

Good thing I picked out a green sweater for today.

Did everyone plan on wearing Packers colors and I was just out of the loop?

I guess the chair was too squeaky so Jeff was interrupted from making dinner to fix it.

Oh G.G.


We had a smaller group this year so the kids got to sit with the adults.

It's all about the cranberry bread.

Jeff being very casual.

A day or so before Thanksgiving I sent Brooke a text about going to the Packers game. Tickets would not be cheaper this season and we'd already be nearby. She surprisingly gave me the go ahead.

So Theo and I made an early exit from Thanksgiving, bundled up and headed up to Green Bay for Packers vs Dolphins.

I had to get a bunch of pics of Theo at his first NFL game. Lucky, bub. I didn't get to my first Packers game until a few years back.

There's nothing like first entering Lambeau. What a perfect stadium.

He looks so happy.

One of my favorite nights with Theo ever.

After the first fireworks Theo exclaimed, "I didn't know there was going to be fireworks!"

Everyone stands these days, which worried me a bit. Wasn't sure if Theo would be able to see the field.

He stood on the bleachers most of the game and loved it. The game, not the standing on the bleachers. Ha.

After half-time flurries showed up.

Theo spent the beginning of the 3rd quarter catching snowflakes.

And we won!

Pretty cool, Theo.

The next day Chelsea stopped by on her way home from up north.


It's baby Violin! Or at least that's what I call her.

G.G. got me a special ornament.

Hello, baby.

I guess it was me and Meadow's turn to have a night out. Chelsea wanted to go to The Fire to make glass ornaments. Once we got there everyone wanted to paint instead.

Meadow picked a pet bowl for Pecan.

Meadow also painted a strawberry dish.

Nolan joined us too and picked a dragon.

You could get a free ornament when you spent $30 or more. I picked this no bay of Green Bay Wisconsin.

That would be admittedly hard to make.

This is Meadow's place.

Good job, Nolan.

More fun for the kids back at home.

Theo and Meadow did a great job and then we watched Elf.

One of these visits will be the last time Theo sleeps in the crib.

We have a Science Museum of Minnesota membership which includes free admission to museums all over the country. One of those was the Neville Public Museum in Green Bay.

Just look at the giant Lego Lambeau Field. Worth the drive up alone.

The first floor was all about the science and history of candy in Green Bay and Wisconsin weather.

There's a second floor? Actually most of the exhibits are up there.

I'm pretty sure my parents still use this calculator.

The history section was my favorite.

Sorry, no pics, but the local art exhibit was also nice.

We had a lot of Christmas presents wrapped in a box like this.

We briefly checked out the Christmas market across the street.

I would've gotten a giant brat, but everyone was too cold.

We have a list of places we want to eat in Green Bay. We chose Cheesesteak Rebellion for this trip.

We were driving away and I yelled "Cheesesteak Rebellion!" or something like that. We'd always wanted to visit.

A Star Wars themed Philly Cheesesteak restaurant in Green Bay? Why not.

I guess this space has changed hands a few times over the years.

The cheesesteaks were really good. The kids liked their burgers. Fries were stellar and the ambiance was not too far removed from a typical Wisconsin tavern.

Back in Appleton Theo spent much of our last night playing kitchen on G.G. and Grandpa's living room floor.

Very good service. Would come back again.

Oh yeah, my dad finally got a deer this year while we were visiting. Otherwise he's gone hunting and we don't see much of him. 

Before heading home, Scott and I took a long walk around Little Chute. 

When I was a kid this was a pet store and we used to get crickets for our chameleon. 

You should get a tattoo with a chameleon eating crickets.

That would bring it back full circle. 

You know what this place could use? A windmill.

Oh, wait.

RIP Tuckers. 

This used to be a pitching wall but at some point changed to Dutch artists. 

Don't worry, everyones on drugs outside of the school zone.

After spending most of her time with Marina we saw Meadow again before we headed home. 


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