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Redgranite Cabin Camping, Waushara County Fair and Meeting Baby Viola

This weekend we were going to stay at my grandpa's log cabin. Instead of driving straight to the cabin we stopped for the night at my parents house. Theo still loves to sleep in the crib. 

I thought we could go see our new baby niece. But tbh, I just wanted to stay home for two weekends in the summer. No one really listens to me around here, so I caved in going to the hunting land.

Whenever I come home there's always things for me to look through. Like this box of old toys. I found my whole collection of pogs that the kids insisted on taking home. 

On July 13th our niece Viola was born. Since we were coming to Wisconsin we had to stop to meet her.

I thought having my own kids would make me comfortable holding babies but it's still scary. 

Yeah, it's super awkward. Let the mom and dad hold them.

Chelsea's been stuck with a house full of boys. Finally a baby girl. 

Meadow made this picture of Viola. Looks just like her right?

She was being fussy I tried to remember how to calm babies. 

You don't. They are in control.

I think she'll be able to sleep through anything in this house. 

I don't know how Chelsea doesn't loose her mind with these boys.

On our way to Redgranite, we stopped for lunch at Chicken Grill Mexican Restaurant.

Taqueria and Mexican ice cream joint in the parking lot of a dead strip mall? Yes, please.

The center of the restaurant has Mexican ice cream and popsicles. 

Paletas. They're way better than popsicles.

We hadn't been to the log cabin since the pandemic. I had been wanting to go again. 

I'd always choose the cottage over the hunting land, but it is pretty nice. Her grandpa had this dug out way back in the day.

With all the rain this summer the pond was expanding. 

You can't get too far from cabin, but there's a trail around the lake. Any further and you need muck boots. At least with all the rain.

Or bug spray, the mosquitos were bad. 

Brittany and Marina would join us this weekend. 

This swing would be the most popular item of the weekend. 

AKA they'd be fighting over it all weekend.

A fire pit by the lake? Who knew that could be done. (Note that the cottage firepit is next to the driveway for some odd reason.)

A little gloomy, but still purdy.

Good breakfast. 

Any breakfast not made by me is good in my book.

Catching fish was also a highlight for these kids. 

Apparently all you have to do is lure them with bread and you've got a net full of fish.

Theo found this Veggie Tales dancing thing and sang along with it all weekend long.

I did manage to go explore with him for a few minutes.

Grandpa and G.G. always want to cut Theo's hair. I don't get it. 

Every trip to Redgranite deserves a stop at Mosier's. Every time I stayed at my grandparents house my Grandma would take me here and let me pick something out. 

The best damn store west of Manitowoc.

Theo thought I should get these (painters?) pants. I wanted to get a sweatshirt, but they were super dad shaped. 

These pants were only .50. I should have got them. 

Yeah,  no. Modern mom pants do not look like actual mom pants. But jncos are back..

Lures new and old: they've got 'em. I love this place.

Theo picked out these squirt guns. 

Then we had a squirt gun fight. These were pretty rad for like $5 or $10.

Oh, oh.

Another reason for our visit this weekend was to go to the Waushara County Fair.

You know we love county fairs. This one was extra country.

How do grow a pumpkin that big?

My grandma had many of her crafts at this fair over the years. 

You know we got the tanker lemonade again. 

Actually Brooke brought this along, went back to the car when she confirmed the one at the fair and got a "refill."

Don't give away my secrets. 

Theo wasn't enthused about all the food options, but was OK with tacos.

The event tonight was the tractor pull. I had never really watched one before and was highly entertained. 

Brooke and I could've stayed all night, but the kids were super bored.

This is America (in rural Wisconsin).

You know we had to get a few rides in.

Not me, ferris wheels are too scary. 

And mom had to win another fish. 

Then the kids wanted to play a game. 

More like big bass winner.

Mom thought the fair was so small and we'd only be there for a couple hours. More like closer to 5 hours. 

Theo also picked up this little play camping set at Mosier's. I didn't realize the lantern actually lit up. 

He loves it.

I guess this supposed to illustrate how we do dishes.

It's rustic living here. 

After all my bike troubles Scott convinced me to get a new bike. I've always liked the Linus bikes but not their price. We found someone in Appleton selling their almost new bike for cheap. I haven't had a Dutch style bike before but it's sure cute. 

I drove an hour each way to pick it up for Brooke. Don't tell me I don't anything for you. (I don't think she ever says that, actually.)

I'm not sure how safe this setup was, but Theo had fun. Think he should've sat in the trailer. But even that makes me nervous.

Then we said goodbye to the Romeneskos and Farbers.

We stopped for lunch at Klinger's Real BBQ in Wautoma.

This was so good.

Theo stuck to the pulled pork and apple sauce. The mac and cheese was probably too cheesy.

We had to stop for ice cream at Milty Wilty. Do we always get ice cream when we travel? Yes, yes we do.

I'm a little nervous of our recent sugar intake. But Brooke Milty Wilty serves frozen custard. Not ice cream.

I love their old timey playground.

We made yet another stop near Necedah to hike at Petenwall Bluff Trail

The kids weren't happy, but once out on the trail they enjoyed the vistas.

This felt like we were suddenly transported to the Wisconsin Dells.

Yup, I was there too.


Not a bad overlook. Would be pretty in the fall. 

This was like a top ten hike in Wisconsin. Not bad? It was stellar.

Until next time Wisconsin.


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