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Finishing Up the Kids Rooms

Our house is really starting to come together now. 

With the kids rooms complete we could move Meadow's art supplies to her bedroom.

The porch is no longer a storage space and an actual livable space. 

When I'm productive, I tend to finish odds and ends that I've been putting off like this porch thermometer.

Can you tell the kids are excited for their rooms? The picture rail looks awesome in Theo's room.

The kids are loving having their own spaces.

We need to get some shelves for all of Meadow's collections. 

I think we have some collecting dust in the basement. I'll get to it in, well, probably fall.

Theo really wanted a Zelda rug for his video game themed room, but we weren't sure the quality would be very good for one of this size. Fun fact, we almost got this rug for our living room.

Had hoped to replace the kids sconces, but due to the old capped gas lines that are hidden under the current lights, that'll have to wait.

Now let's see which kid keeps their room cleaner now that they can't blame each other. 

We were about to go on the first big work trip of the summer. So we picked up some ramen at Rong Market in neighboring Richfield.

The kids picked lemon Oreos. The Japanese get all the best flavors.

I made a ramen with fresh veggies and mock duck from Rong's.

Meadow also picked up this new kitty ramen bowl at the market for her new favorite food. 

Even Theo had some ramen. 

The next morning I got a surprise father's day present. Thanks kiddos! This Zelda shirt was the best present ever.


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