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Blake Graduates (Bachelor's Degree Edition)

On the road again. This time to Duluth for another one of Blake's graduations. Daniel wanted to show off the shed he had just built. 

My parents were also here for Blake's grad party. We met up for dinner at The Shack in Superior.

We were here for the fish fry, but of course we all had to get old fashioneds.

Pardon my shitty food photography.

The beers were quite large.

We were all ready to go when my parents noticed the liquor store next door. 

We waited, waited and waited some more for Gail and Mike to get some booze. They always have a buffet of booze whenever we see them at a hotel.

This time they were staying at the South Pier Inn. Check out this view from their room.

The next morning Daniel got us donuts from Johnson's bakery.

Thanks funcle.

We always have fun looking through Blake's old things. 

A few months back G.G. brought a bin of old Blake junk with her to the cottage. This was the good stuff that I sorted through. A working Gameboy FTW.

We then walked back over to my parents hotel. 

It got foggier and foggier as we got closer to the lake. 

We waited for the fog to pass before our next adventure.

We were waiting out the fog so we could take Blake's sailboat out.

My dad brought all our old graduation gowns for Blake.

We thought he looked like an alter boy.

He was supposed to wear one of these to his graduation party, but "forgot."

They needed to get their room cleaned so we headed outside. The fog looked like it was lifting so Blake went out to get his boat ready. 

Wait, who gets house cleaning every night at a hotel in 2024?


It seemed like the fog was clearing up but then it came back again.

Too bad we didn't have our suits with us. When we arrived a group of people ran into the water then right out. Theo and I didn't think the water was that cold. 

Swimming in Lake Superior in early June is probably not a good idea. But it was a mild winter in Minnesota.

The fog was finally clearing up a bit.

On the other side of the harbor it was less foggy. 

Despite my misgiving Funcle Daniel and Theo sat on the bow of the sailboat.

Theo was really excited to go in the front. 

Ha looks like the fog was only right over Canal Park.

No sail up today. Instead we motored over to the Blatnik Bridge.

A decade from now this view won't be seen. The Blatnik Bridge is set to be replaced.

Even cooler than the bridge was boating between the active and abandoned ore docks on the Duluth side of the bay.

We were all hungry so we made a stop at the new Northern Waters Smokehouse location. I had no idea they served anything, but fish. What were we waiting for? I love smoked tofu and meats.

It was so good. They had moved into the old Amazing Grace spot. We also picked up some smoked fish for Blake's party while we were here. 

We gave Blake his graduation gift early: more Legos. The kids idea.

Blake's semi-finished attic is filled with (some of) his old legos.

Blake was hosting his graduation party at the Owl's Club where he's a member. It was also potluck style. 

We visited here for the first time back in December. I want to be a member of a private drinking club.

It's always fun catching up with Blake's friends. 

Someone told me to get a picture of the cake.

That was me. I said, hurry up the cake is getting cut. 

Jasper got the best piece. 

I thought I married you?

(Insert eye roll here)

The guy on the left with the hat we later learned was the photo of the little boy that Daniel had added to our roof box. 

For some reason Daniel just had stickers of his friend. He also happens to be a brewer at Castle Danger Brewing.

Blake's party also included karaoke. 

Brooke's kind of party. Did you know that Brooke used to be a karaoke regular back in the Fox Valley?

It was the thing to do when you were too young to go to the bars. 

We had Daniel sing Green Days "Good Riddance" as it was a popular graduation song when we were in high school.

Blacob sang some 99 Luftbaloons.

Minus the German part. C'mon!

The party really hits high note when G.G. and Daniel performed a duet.

Good times were had. We cut our visit short and left the next morning as Theo had his best friends birthday party to get to.

Sometimes you've just got leave while you're ahead.


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