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Memorial Day Weekend in the Year 2024

3-2-1 and we're back.

We've been watching too much Ghibli films on (HBO) Max.

The Trump lawn ornaments were a bit comical. Can you spot them?

His cult of personality is sure something.

When we got to the cottage the boy cousins must of thought I was cool or something. I must have been playing Zelda.

Hey, that's my spot, Theo!

We got Chelsea a book for her baby to be: "My Lake Baby." 

Everyone is excited to get to the lake.

No place on earth I'd rather be, so I get it.

Of course the Gostishas got right to fishing.

Huntin', fishin', loving everyday.

Paint our toenails time.

Theo you already swam once this summer. Think you can jump right in.

Harvey taught Theo how to meditate.

After putting in the lift last time we were here, it was time to put the boat in the lake. Luckily Mr. Mike just had to borrow a tailer from a neighbor he knows from back home.

The kids had a contest on who could hang the longest upside down. I won.

You sure about that?

We went on a short bike ride with Theo. He still struggles with going up any type of incline.

But he's biking, so that's what matters.

It's the annual deep clean the car day.

Chelsea was super excited for whipped cream. Must be a pregnancy thing.

I think it was Nolan that was excited as we later found out he was sneaking it and ate a whole can himself. 

Strawberry shortcakes for dessert.

Scott and I went into to town to get food for meals and lo and behold I found the Dirt Cake Oreo's!

One of my goals this year is to learn to steer a canoe.

Last time Brooke tried she paddled us in circles.

She did a pretty good job navigating over to Crystal Creek via Deer Lake. Next time we'll have to go down the channel.

I'm not sure why I struggled so bad last time, it's not that hard. 

Mom brought up rhubarb for us to use. Meadow took charge of making rhubarb bars while I supervised.

S'more time.

Never stop snacking is the cottage mantra.

The kids turned the screen porch into a fort.

Huntin', fishin', loving every day.

At least when they're not playing Switch. Can't believe Nolan and Harvey manage to share it. For the most part.

And just like that the weekend was over. Before heading home we took the boat out for a ride.

Harvey was being a good role model for Theo.

I'm impressed on how long they did this.

We took a detour over to Sunset Grill for ice cream.

Chelsea got a huge cone. I don't blame her.

Our mantra was always, "Baby needs ice cream."

Until next time.


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