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Theo Moves Into His Room

Theo's room was officially ready. Minus a few things like a bed, rug and his picture rail. But he has been ready to have his own room.

It'll do until I can get a hand to put up the picture rail.

Big pancake was requested for breakfast. 

Brooke always says that she's so bored with everything I cook. I never get sick of big pancakes.

Theo's been sleeping in an epic fort for months, so I had to make it happen in his room.

Now he's happy. 

The kids have to get their Switch time in right away in the morning. 

We had some gift cards from Christmas to use to buy more plants. I feel like every year we go too late and most things are picked over. Today seemed like a good day but I guess we were too early as not a ton of veggie plants were out yet. I also learned a lot of plants can't go outside until the low is over 50 degrees. 

We got some native plants plus some with color. Since our house is green now it kind of blends in with the trees, we need more color in the yard. 

We're going to need a lot of flowers.

Meadow was sleeping over at a friends house so I walked her over. It's too bad they don't live a little closer so she could walk over herself. 

The freeway in-between doesn't exactly help.

With Theo's room done it was time to start on Meadow's room. 

Well, I was busy sanding the other side of the house.

Not even May and I was all ready to prime. Maybe I'll get this painting done before it gets hot.

Meadow's strap adjuster on her backpack broke.

I replaced it for her. 

I spy some of our old books in the little free library. 

With Meadow gone for the night we got to treat Theo.

We decided to walk over to Nighthawks.

Theo settled for buttered noodles. Kids.

Who knows what we ate, but the food was good and the ambiance is on point.

We told Theo when we got home we would play Settler's of Catan with him. He didn't know what it was and now he's hooked. 

Catan Junior to be precise. Don't think he's ready for the adult version quite yet.

Can't wait to get his room filled up and art on the walls.


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