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Sanding Shake Shingles

I left the fam for a few days for a work conference in Las Vegas. Besides our quick stop for lunch, a little over a week earlier, I had never been to Vegas before.

It took me a few days to find my way around and get over the shock of "where am I?"

One of my goals was to get close to the sphere. I had no idea how non-pedestrian friendly Vegas is outside of the strip.

The wild wild west. Now you know why I've never wanted to go. Ha.  

I did all the touristy things as one does.

I would come back with the kids then probably never go back again.

I'm on team "Boo, Vegas sucks" but I guess we could do it once. But why not just do Disney World at that point?

No waiting 6 hours to go on one ride. 


I have around 4 months to sand, prime and paint the north and south facades of our house. Better get started I suppose.

Last year I scraped and then used a brush on my drill. I guess I should've just used my orbital sander, This was going much quicker than expected.

Theo will eat about a dozen of the cuties mandarin oranges. Sorry, California water supply.

French toast for brekkie.

Theo made me get challah with our rotisserie chicken dinner from the co-op. Might as well use the rest up.

A video Meadow made in 1st grade came up in our memories so we had to watch it.

She made some really cool things during the COVID shenanigans that kept her learning from home.

Theo and I have been playing Zip City together this week. I'm so impressed with how his brain figures things out.

Theo loves to give me a heart attack when I'm on the big ladder.

Meadow's always finding art projects to do on YouTube.

The kids and I went through all their books as we get ready to move Theo into his new bedroom. This is the pile to give away.

Getting there. Thankful that the shakes don't have lead paint, but definitely still wearing my respirator.

Meadow planted cat grass for Pecan.

Theo's room is officially ready. Minus the picture rail which will be done at a later date.

Brooke won't help me hang it up, so it'll have to wait.

Scott hates when I polish the hardware.

Mhm. That patina took over a 100 years.   

Almost there.

Meadow taught herself the Bluey theme song on clarinet.

The kids and I went on a walk. It's always fun to dig through things people are giving away.

Brooke suggested a good and quick meal idea. Burrito bowls.


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