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Labor Day at the Cottage 2023


And we were gone again, for one last trip this summer. 

The annual Labor Day weekend visit to the cottage.

I came outside to find these 3 rascals up to no good. 

Probably up to less mischief than the Gostisha boys.

Which can be remedied with a little dock fishing.

Then we gave Nolan his birthday present. All the flavors of his favorite drink, Prime!

No signs of the resident snake this time. He must have moved on. 

Dogs will remedy that problem.

Fixed a reel and we were back fishing on day 2.

My project for the day was cleaning our headlights. They've become so foggy that sometimes I can't even tell that they are on. 



I like the use of a cruddy before pic and a classy after.

This weekend was hot. I can't remember it ever being in the 90's Labor Day weekend at the cottage.

Even G.G. went swimming. I forgot my swimsuit, so I was out of luck.

Chelsea gave Meadow a much needed hair trim. 

I can't believe I can still do this. Hand stands I'm no where near. 

Now you're just showing off. I on the other hand could never even do a pull up.

What are these people doing? Oh, it's just Theo giving me a heart attack.

Sinking the paddle boat has always been the thing to do. 

I really don't get it, but to each his own.

G.G. probably told me to go catch the sunset.

Since he forgot his big pot over the 4th of July, we had a do over of the fish boil we were promised. 

Everyone agreed it wasn't nearly as spicy as in the past. Maybe too wimpy, even.

I thought it was perfect. 

This year we decided to check out the craft fair downtown Eagle River. 

We picked up a Halloween sign at this little shop. 

But should've got that quitcherbitchin sign.

I promised ice cream if they weren't too whiny.

We all wanted to take the pontoon out to swim in the deep. 

Another, I'm not sure why that's fun Romenesko thing, but I drove the pontoon and even took a quick dip. Grandpa borrowed me an old pair of swim trunks.

We all had fun jumping off the boat. This summer has been so awesome, I'm not quite ready to be done yet. 

Theo loving his aunty.

"Make way for king Theeoo!" 

Then I realized we could blast some music with a few adjustments to the EQ.

I do exist.

More jumping and backflips for good measure.

Blake's attempt was an almost.

These kids are cooler than me. 

Then we had a dance party of Backstreet Boys. 

Then back in time for dinner.

We had to get in one last knee boarding ride for the year. 

Wow the water looks clear from up high. 

Chelsea tried again but still couldn't do it. 

Now that I've mastered knee boarding I really want to try waterskiing again. 

I need to watch more how to videos. 

It was a tradition when I was a kid to get ice cream on the way home from the cottage. I discovered this little ice cream shop on a farm that was sort of on our way home. You literally pull into someones farm and get your own ice cream. 

They had ice cream bars or little ice cream cups or pints to take home. 

We'll be back. 


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