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Wisconsin Northwoods Workcation

And just like that we were gone again. This time to spend a few days at Three Bears Resort. I always see this place as we drive on 94 towards Milwaukee. 

I had to photograph the place and asked for a room with two beds of course.

Our room wasn't quite ready, so we played in the arcade.

Lucky kiddos got to play while I worked.

While Scott was busy working the kids and I spent the day at the indoor waterpark. 

We explored the grounds too. 

Someone had too much fun last night. 

After doing the indoor waterpark all day we tried out the outdoor pool. 

I met Brooke and the kiddos at the outdoor pool and then they showed me the indoor waterpark. 

Our room also had a little balcony which was perfect for all of our wet clothes. 

I'm sure that's what they intended.

We had some tokens we need to cash in before we left. This client was very cool and wanted us to enjoy our time at Three Bears.

Theo has been so much braver in the water. He likes to swim without his life jacket (when I'm close by) and even goes under water. 

Theo and I loved the big slides. They were the tube type where it gets dark. At first he was scared then said it was really fun. 

I finally got to enjoy the waterpark after finishing up my work. Theo must've gotten scared before this photo.

We had fun even in the kid area. 

Actually my favorite area. Here's hoping we got to come back in the future for another shoot.

We had a couple days before Scott had to work in Spooner. We debated on camping in between, but we decided to go to the cottage instead. My dad had found this street sign for Meadow at the flea market. 

I was pretty grossed out when I saw this snake just hanging out on the old stump. 

I'm sure there's many critters we never see in the lake and the cottage woods.

I wanted to take a walk and asked Scott to go with me. The last time I went for a walk I got yelled at by some cyclists for not moving out of their way. We saw them on our drive in so I was afraid of running into them again. 

Anything for you, killer bee. I'll protect you from the mean old biker.

Oh, how I love a quiet weekend at the cottage.

Meadow was busy making a castle for Pepe. 

Watch out for the snake Theo!

We decided to go out for dinner at John Henry's...I mean Bonnie's...I mean Spirit View. 

It was super busy, but drinks before dinner is half the charm at Wisconsin taverns. Arguably Spirit View is a supper club, where pre-dinner drinks is a must.

The kids love the kiddy cocktails here because they come with gummy worms. 

We ended up sitting outside and waiting a bit longer. But no problems. It was a bit chilly though.

Then our food finally arrived.

And everyone was happy. Except the folks sitting next to us that were too impatient.

I enjoyed overhearing all of their complaints. 

Scott and I needed to get groceries in town for dinner. We convinced Theo to come along with us. 

Oh, good, no butt crack. My old SR is so fast even with a kiddo towed behind. 

He was excited to use the kids cart. Next time we'll have to remember to bring his baby. 

Scott and I decided to go hiking. Unfortunately the mosquitos are still terrible.

So not exactly fun, but got those steps in.

I suggested we go see the waterski show. 

Of course we all got treats.

My mom and I love to point out the tricks they don't do anymore like the human skis and the jumping off bridges. 

Insurance is expensive these days.

Someday I'll be that cool.

Before leaving for my next job, we went for our a boat ride, of course.

Theo's got the boos.

That's blues in Theo speak.

He was using the bumpers as a guitar. 

We told Meadow if she starts ordering things for herself we can get a cat. We gave them some money and her and Theo went inside to get their own snack.

They did it! So proud of them.

My challenge is working!

See you soon grandpa and G.G.

We left the cottage and went to Spooner. For dinner we decided to try Denelies Pizza. For a few extra dollars you could get their all you can eat salad bar. In hindsight we could have skipped the pizza and just done the salad bar. 

Or just one pizza for everyone.

The kids weren't done swimming in pools yet. We had to check out the hotel pool. 

The kids got a head start while I was taking twilight shots.

Theo was loving swimming across the pool with his water wings.

If you're ever Spooner, I'd definitely check out this Best Western. Nice place for your average no frills hotel.

As usual while Scott worked I again explored with the kids. The Namekagon Visitors Center for the St Croix National Scenic Riverway was nearby. We could do more junior ranger badges! I learned that Namekagon is Ojibwa for sturgeon. 

This time Theo actually repeated the pledge! Now if only we could get Meadow to do it. 

Then we went hiking near the visitor center at the Trego Nature Trail

While on this trail I kept thinking we should have went canoe camping instead of going to the cottage. I would really like to go camping on the Namekagon again. 

Once Scott was finished working we had lunch at the Treat Depot

A little bougie for an ice cream and hot dog place, but it was good.

I wanted to see the fish hatchery nearby, but I guess and it makes sense that they are only raised over the winter and released in the spring. 

So, we stuck to the visitors center.

The kids still had fun.

In our hotel binder of things to do, it mentioned this natural food store that had frozen custard. 

You know we had to stop. 

This was probably the best ice cream/frozen custard I've ever had.

If we are ever in the area we will definitely be back. 


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