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Meadow @ 10 Years





She's 10! A whole decade has gone by with Meadow in our life.  

That's kind of nuts. As time goes by and you watch your little gal grow up, I'm glad we have so many photos of her and Theo. Even when they inevitably (lump in throat) grow up, we'll be able to look back at all of our adventures.

Our little bookworm. A day doesn't go by that she doesn't have her nose in a book. Usually while in the car (even if it's a 10 minute drive), while eating dinner and late at night.

Every time she comes back from the library she has a huge stack of books. Like mother, like daughter I guess.

Meadow also loves cats, swimming, baking, kayaking, school, ice cream, art, nature, holidays and relaxing. 

And she always makes such sweet gifts. A Zelda pillow for Theo, a Packers cat for me. She's so thoughtful even though she doesn't love snuggling anymore.

She still loves to stay up late and sleep in when she can. Sometimes until 10:30-11.

We love you Meadow!

Here are Meadow's answers this year. 

How old are you? 10
What is your favorite color? All of them except for brown and white.
What is your favorite animal? Cat
What is your favorite book? Warriors and Dork Diaries
What is your favorite TV show? Bananya, Glitter Force
What is your favorite movie? Kiki's Delivery Service
What is your favorite song? I don't know. I like audio books.
What is your favorite food? Tamales, spaghetti and meatballs with s noodles, sushi, split pea soup and fruit
What is your favorite drink? All the lemonades, smoothies, root beer and water. And juice. Not milk, because milk tastes weird.
What is your favorite breakfast food? Cereal and waffles and big pancakes and a lot of other things too.
What is your favorite snack? Pretzels, apples, cherries
What is your favorite outfit? Strawberry dress
What is your favorite game? Checkers and Lion King game
What is your favorite toy? I don't know
Who is your best friend? Saraphina
What is your favorite thing to do? Read
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swim
What is your favorite holiday? Birthday
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Whiskers and Fluffy
Where is your favorite place to go? Grandpa and Gigi's house, the cottage, the playground and school
What is your favorite restaurant? Sushi Train
Where do you want to go on vacation? Florida because there's palm trees and the sea and sand.
What do you want to be when you grow up? An author and an artist and maybe work at an aquarium
What did you do on your birthday? Went to the bakery and got a cupcake and then I went to a store to get a balloon, then I went to the cottage and had plain noodles for dinner and Nolan and Harvey were there. Oh yeah and Bay Beach.


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