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Biking to Eat Street Crossing and Funlandia, Commence


We had unusual summer temps in early spring this week. I thought we'd have snow piles until mid May but everything melted this week. 

I guess it was time to take a look at the gardens.
Meadow set up her fairy garden. 

Oh hey they did actually come back and take our old boiler.

No more lawn ornament.  

Meadow and I recovered from a stomach bug and were ready to get out of the house to enjoy this weather. 

Much later we'd realize our fridge wasn't fridging.

Our first trip to Eat Street Crossing; a food hall just down the block from our house.

Nice to have an ice cream shop that's only a quick bike ride away.

Bebe Zito is probably the best ice cream in town these days. So it's nice to have it so close. Just wish they offered the same flavors as the original location.

Smaller than I thought but it was a nice space. I imagine it gets crowded during the colder months with the patio closed. 
We go to the movies once a year. This year we had to take the kids to the new Super Mario Bros movie. I'm glad we picked the noon showing, because by the next showing the theater was packed.

Everyone loved the movie. Theo declared it the best movie ever.

Our attic space was officially ready. Before moving things up we had to bring down all the tools. 

So many tools. I'm glad to be more or less done with this space.

Meadow was excited to finally have her reading nook. 

We started collecting rugs and furniture to furnish this space. The braided rug in the background came from our basement; left by the previous owners. I have a soft spot for this type of rug, since we had one when I was growing up. After many vacuums it was perfect for the space.

Meadow had officially moved into her space. 

Funlandia is open for business. We originally thought this space would be an extra living room but once we brought up all the kids stuff it turned into a playroom. 

It seemed way bigger without all the kids many, many toys.
Since Theo has turned five he has become a whole new person. He's learned to swing on his own, play at the playground with other kids and now is semi-interested in riding the balance bike. 

He's been going on walks with me to the playground. A few days ago this playground was full of kids, the temp drops and now there's no one.

We've been getting Mexican food from the local Mexican market just down the block, La Casa, when we're too busy too cook. You can buy everything ready-to-go in bulk. Warm local tortillas are even ready in a cooler. Much better than Dominos; not as cheap.


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