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An April Fools Snowstorm at the Northwoods Cottage


During the week, Scott finished up the floors. I just need to restain the railing, install new baseboards and it will be finished up here.

iPhone photos don't do it justice. We'll have to wait on the baseboards. Brooke's dad says he's going to make them for us. The railing might need to be replaced. It's pretty small.

We did our annual trip to the cottage for Spring Break. My dad has been up quite a bit since we were here last working on the upstairs.

He wanted to show me the doors he put in.
I took a last minute half day at work to drive up here. Boy I'm glad I did, it started snowing heavily about a half hour after we arrived. We then awoke to this.

Enough snow to play in the woods. Only 6 inches or so our first night. I think I prefer this to the thawing forest anyways.

Meadow's New Year's snowman still trying to hang on. 

Always climbing up the slide. I don't get it.

Mr. Mike checked out the lake on the snowmobile. Early April and still fully frozen. Just don't go near the channels between the lakes and you're A,OK.

Theo and I took a couple laps along the lake. He turned down a ride on the kitty cat again. What's up with these kids not wanting to ride their snowmobile? They love riding on or behind the big sleds.

I told my dad we would help him upstairs while we were here. I guess he was wanting to take it easy this weekend. We helped install the door handles and a little bit of electrical work. 

We were okay with staying in for dinner after going out for fish fries the last 3 weeks, but dad wanted to go out. With more snow coming we stayed close by. 

I think this is our first time eating in at Spiritview Lakeside since Bonnie sold the joint.

The kitty cocktails included a gummy worm.

Here's a dumb picture of our old fashioneds just for G.G.

Of course someone had to try their hand at the claw machine. Surprisingly grandpa turned down a chance and instead gave the kids some cash.

They kept the old classic: fried chicken and fish fry combo. I have to say the broasted chicken was always good, but this was the best the fish ever has been. It was always kind of soggy in the Bonnie's Lakeside day. No more!

The kids went back to the claw machine after finishing their dinners.

They still had their Christmas decor up so we had to pose. 
Overnight we got 14 more inches of snow!

The tree branches were hanging so low you couldn't see the lake.

I think you're just short.  
Digging the car out to get my snow shoes was a challenge.

I'm not so sure I would've been excited about this back home in Minneapolis, but snow in April at the cottage is just fine. 

Mr. Mike started plowing the driveway, but soon I'd get my first shot at it.

Theo needed his swing raised. 

We could hardly see the neighbors cottage. 
As it should be.

This old not-quite-bobcat is a bit tricky.

I was getting there. This is a lot of work.
It didn't help that it was all ice under the snow.
Theo found a napping spot.

There were a couple brave snowmobilers going across the lake.

Yeah, no. Don't ride over the main channel. That's a river you fools.  
The snow was perfect for snowman making. I wanted to make a giant one but the snow was so heavy. 

Cell phone pictures are good enough (rarely true).

Look at that big old snowboy,

Sometimes you just got to gawk at mother nature's wonder like a dad.

Showing the kids that putting a chocolate chip in a raspberry makes a quick treat. 

I have not seen Brooke ever do this in 16 plus years we've been together. Do I even know you?

My parents still had cherries in their freezer from when they went cherry picking in Door County last summer. My mom asked me to make a cherry pie. 

I tried to be fancy.

Not bad, boo.

We went back outside and played in the snow the rest of the day.

The kids love this old dog sled.

The kids and grandpa made some tiny snowmen.

Meadow made art with the icicles. 

Grandpa and the kids made a sled hill out of our giant pile of snow.

If we're at the cottage, you can probably guess that I'll be making my almost famous pizza. This time of year I like to make it pan style.

After dinner we had some pie even though we were all too full.
Meadow wanted a wallpaper photo of Pepe for her phone and made a backdrop for him.

We were in no rush to head back home. Spring Break was just starting and honestly we would've loved to have stayed all week. But Brooke had to work.

Mom finally made it outside for the first time since she got here. 

She's not a winter person like the rest of us.

The makeshift sledding hill was getting better and better. It was luge-like.

Meadow kept making little tweaks.

Brooke on a snowmobile. I haven't seen this in years.
It has been years.

I towed the kids around the lake while they did tricks. Naughty little kids.

IDK. He just wanted sit on top of the snowman.

I know kids, I don't wanna go home either.
So long winter wonderland.


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