Look at this big kid. She's gotten so grown up, no longer a little kid.
Meadow loves to read books, animals especially cats and dogs, swing, do art and crafts, watch You Tube videos, swim, bake and ice skate.
She's always laughing and being silly with friends.
She helps us out a lot more with taking care of Theo or helping with dishes.
Here are Meadow's answers this year.
How old are you? 9
What is your favorite color? Hot Pink
What is your favorite animal? A kitty witty. A cute kitty cat.
What is your favorite book? All the Warriors books
What is your favorite TV show? Lion Guard and NumberBlocks
What is your favorite movie? Mulan 1 and 2
What is your favorite song? We are the same from Lion Guard
What is your favorite food? Spaghetti and Meatballs with S noodles
What is your favorite drink? Bah. Izzy's
What is your favorite breakfast food? The french toast that they have at school.
What is your favorite snack? A cookie with a heart in the middle from Ikea
What is your favorite outfit? Baby Yoda shirt with a blue skirt with stars
What is your favorite game? Pretty Pretty Princess and Battleship
What is your favorite toy? Magnatiles
Who is your best friend? Noelle
What is your favorite thing to do? Draw and talk to Noelle
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play on the playground and talk to Noelle
What is your favorite holiday? my Birthday
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Whiskers and Fluffy
Where is your favorite place to go? School and Sonny's Cafe
What is your favorite restaurant? Tap Society
Where do you want to go on vacation? Hawaii and California so I can go to Legoland
What do you want to be when you grow up? Work at an aquarium, be an artist or a teacher.
What did you do on your birthday? Went to a trampoline park.