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Gardening and Birthday Party at MOA


A good chunk of our front yard was bare dirt. So, we tried our hand at growing grass from seed. It started out well.

 First we put down just seed but the birds kept eating it. 


Our house came with three raised garden beds. Me and and the kids each get our own. The kids were responsible for cleaning up and planing their own gardens. They got to pick what they wanted to grow too. 


Soon everything was planted in the kids gardens.

 I have had no luck finding cocoa mulch this year, is there a shortage? 


Our yard was once landscaped well, it had just been neglected over the years. After helping the kids I worked on cleaning them up. 

I can't tell you how much trash and random bricks we have found in our yard.

Things were already starting to look much better. 

Now we just need plants.


We had to pause yard work to celebrate Doralyce's birthday at MOA.

I also got my annual haircut this morning.  

 We met up with them at Build-a-bear where the kids got to choose their own stuffed animal. 

 Meadow chose a cat and Theo went with a blue bear to match his baby.

 Next was ride time. The rest of the crew went on a roller coaster.
Our kids were too scared for the big kid rides, so we took a lego break.
 Nice to finally see the legos back again after a Covid break.

We did eventually go on a ride that was more their style. 
I thought that was the party, but then they had Johnny Rockets for everyone.
 This was becoming the ultimate birthday party. 

The boys went glow mini-golfing while the girls got pampered.
I wasn't expecting to to do this on top of everything else we did today. 

We always pass this little girl spa when we are at the mall and I always knew Meadow would love it.
First the girls got to put on robes and pick out a crown, necklance and wand.

Then they got pedicures where they were given sparkling juice. 

After that they got their nails done and lastly got makeup. 

Meadow was living her best life. 

Good party, right, Harper?
We walked around the mall a bit before heading home. 

 Immediately goes to playground upon getting home. 

I had to get a photo of Meadow's eye makeup before she went to bed. 
Thanks for a great day Davin and Dora.


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