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Neighbors Give Us Their Playground and We Eat Out Like COVID is Gone


Meadow and Brooke have been making cookies every week from the book she got for Christmas. 
This week we attempted to make French Macarons. Even though it was a total fail it's been something I've always wanted to try. I even bought a digital scale to make these. Now that I know the process I want to try again.  
They were delicious. But what do I know.

Our neighbors were giving us their playset as their kids outgrew it. We just had to figure out how to get over the fence.

Original thought was wheeling it over on a dolly, but all of our gates were too narrow.
The kids were waiting oh so patiently.
So instead we took down a section of their fence.
We just barely squeezed it through the tree and the fence. If we had tried this next year it wouldn't have fit.
The next challenge was putting it all back together. The swing addition was taken apart years ago.
We managed to slide it over and put back together, but needed some new bolts.

 We have some pretty happy kids over here. I had recently bought swing hooks to hang their swings on the garage overhang. I guess this works better.

I think their doggie was wondering what happened to the playset. 

Random things found in our yard part 1. 

For dinner we dined at Good Times a few blocks over. There crust is something like a mix of classic Midwest thin crust with Detroit-style edges. 

Happy to be able to enjoy it.

The kids have been jumping on the playset whenever they can. obviously the swings are their favorite thing.

We finally tried Kyatchi out during happy hour.

Meadow got one of their hot dogs.

Theo went with the kids sushi. Brooke with two plates of sushi. I got a veggie one and fried pork sandwich. Can't wait to come back.
This was my first time trying raw fish too.  


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