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A Day Hiking in Osceola

On our little hiking trip yesterday Meadow complained her hiking boots were too tight. Didn't we just get those for her? I found a pair her size on Facebook Marketplace. Since I had to meet the seller in Hudson we decided to make a day out of it. After picking up the shoes we were hungry for lunch. 
This time with Scott. I was back!

We weren't sure where to eat and saw Big Guy's BBQ Roadhouse along WI-35.
The food was pretty good. Probably ordered the wrong items though.

Wonder if this place is ever full. 
Maybe during a Packers game?

As part of my never ending saved locations on Google Maps I had Cascade Falls saved for a few years now. Since we were in the "area" we drove up to Osceola. 
She's kind of obsessed with waterfalls and Minnesota's Hiking Club trails. I just want to go for a hike.

The stairs to get down to the falls was closed off. I thought it was just because they don't shovel in winter. I later read that there are some foundation issues so the staircase and nearby buildings need to be moved. 

We found nearby signs for a trail and we started following them. 

Eventually we were high above the town.

It looked like the trail went back down towards the falls so we kept going. 

We dead ended at Osceola Rd. I ran across and it didn't look like the trail continued. Again, I later read that the trail does cross the road (SPOILER ALERT: it passes under the road). Next time. 

The kids were excited to go back to this big hole anyway. 
Even I ran across.

We thought we'd keep the day going and go bowling. The bowling alley in town was super cheap. $3 for a lane and $1 for shoes. But inside everyone had the same idea. 
It was also kind of awkward with the bowling alley tucked below the bar. But it would've been fun.
It was tiny and anyone not bowling could see the bowling alley. 
Theo was sad and hungry.
And tired from all the fresh air I guess.

We decided to stop at Cup and Cone in White Bear Lake to make up for it. Everyone on Minnesota Twitter loves this place.

My giant oreo ice cream sandwich was da bomb.


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