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Fall and House Projects At the Blaisdell Duplex

 We had to remove all our drawers to seal up any holes along the wall thanks to a recent mouse discovery.
You think you're going to work on the rental and then random stuff like this keeps coming up.

Meadow was extra hungry today and needed three breakfasts.

Two sets of the light fixtures I'd ordered arrived. I needed to find fixtures that had switches or pull chains. The only place that had them was Etsy. Brooke then suggested trying AliExpress. For half the price these were great.


I recently noticed that the lower unit looked different compared to ours. It's obvious right away when you compare the dining rooms. Ours has beamed ceilings and the built in. But the trim work is also different and the kitchen and the floors. While going through some drawers Scott found a permit history of the house. Apparently there was a fire in the early 30's. That explains so much. 

See, very different.

Scott had repaired all the cracks in the ceiling and walls in the smaller bedroom. I sanded and painted the ceiling the day before and today Meadow and I painted the walls. So long light blue walls. See that peach color on the radiator. At one time the whole room was this color. 

Brooke was hard at work while I watched the Packers game. Well, after overtime in some rando game. Don't worry, I work on the house throughout the week.

I spy a Theo.
Theo helped me cook dinner. Or should I say Link helped me cook dinner. 


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