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Meadow goes back to school Brooke's Always Productive Vol. 978

Meadow had her first day of school on Wednesday. Of course it also happens to be below zero.


Along with Meadow going back to school and needing masks, I also made her some headbands and attached buttons to hold the straps. 

Perfect so her little ears don't get hurt.

The kids requested Chocolate Rye Pancakes for this Valentine's breakfast.

So sweet. In two ways.

I guess Brooke got Meadow a Valentine's shirt.

Nope, I got her the fleece lined leggings with hearts on the knees. She already had the shirt.

Mmmm...the kids' favorite.

You know it's cold outside when you can't see out the window. 

Meadow was up to her crafty self and made Theo a batman mask. She made a wrong cut and patched it up otherwise it looks awesome.

I made Brooke some peanut butter-peanut butter cup-chocolate ice cream for Valentine's day.

It was delicious.

When you live in a small place your bedroom becomes your sewing room. I also prefer sewing standing up. 

I'm not sure if she's complaining, but I love our small footprint condo lifestyle. Do not miss our big old house.

Not complaining. I also love our tiny place, but having a permanent space for projects would be nice. 

With extra fabric from making Blake's camp pillow I made myself one. Theo needs a pillow now and I was going to make him one, but decided he could have my tiny one and I'll make myself a bigger one. 

We had a late launch and thought we'd skip dinner. I guess we got hungry So everyone (except me) had boxed mac and cheese for dinner.


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