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It's Almost Christmas, But Where's the Snow


We've started enjoying our nightly walks to look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

This one was pretty creative. 

I guess the owner delivers Christmas trees or something.

Meadow's favorite, a purple tree.

Not sure what is happening here.

It's art, Brooke. Art.

This guy always goes all out for holidays.

Our own mini Bentleyville. Theo did not want to leave.

For gym Meadow had to play board game with her family. Not sure why it was a gym assignment.

Hungry Hungry Hippos is definitely exercise.

It was fun getting to play games with Theo.

Until he spilled his hot cocoa.

We need to do more game nights. We seem to do too many movie nights lately that it doesn't feel special anymore.

We finished with a game of Catan Junior.

Brooke's been really busy, so I took the kids to the lake for some fun.

The lake was frozen by us, but slowly falling to waves a few hundred yards out.

We stuck to the shore and skated around.

If it doesn't snow this could be an awesome giant ice rink.

It took us a while to get down the shore

Always finding lightsabers everywhere.

We ended up at the big bandshell playground.

And then made our way home. It was almost Christmas, even if it didn't look like it.


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