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Labor Day is Oh So Great at the Cottage. Even This Year.

We planned on skipping the cottage for Labor Day thinking a lot of people would be up. Turns out that wasn't the case. We decided to spend our first day going on a bike ride.

We each towed a kiddo behind us. 

Pulling a bike trailer on a single speed gets to you after a while. Scott wanted to keep going down Sheltered Valley Road. We joked we should add Theo's trailer to Meadow's tag-along.

It actually worked and wasn't half bad. 

I love this retro sign in the Nicolet National Forest. We made it all the way to National Forest Road 2432 and Forest Road 2179 near Butternut Lake. 

Scott couldn't do anymore hills pulling Theo and Meadow, so I took him back.

We ended up biking about 26 miles; 10 of those with both kids behind me. My crotch was killing me riding my old road bike. It's fast, but I'm not made for that any more. Love my dutch bike back home.

My dad has plans to split the upstairs into separate rooms. This includes adding another window. 

He's been talking about this for over a year. It's going to be nice finishing the second floor.

Under the insulation my dad found a blast from the past. Before the windows were put in I did a show with a bottle of Pepsi called the the Joe Pepsi show. Think David Letterman.

Mr. Mike brought out the fishing boat for the first time in quite a while. Weather hadn't really been our friend the last few visits.

I only got one bite and Mr. Mike had no luck. But hey, it's fun getting out on the water for a little fishing.

Daniel brought up his wakeboard to see if he could still ride the wakes.

Despite the cooler weather he was eager to get on the water. He hadn't wakeboarded in 15 years and didn't think he'd be able to do it.

He's still got it.


Eventually he did fall off.

But he got right back up.

He said his whole core felt like it was on fire. We were all super impressed.

I'll have to give it a go next summer. I still really want to learn to waterski. 

Blake's into calmer watersports.

I thought it would be funny to see these two on my bike and Meadow's tag along. It was even better than I imagined.

Brooke had went to Menards with her dad. She asked if I wanted a hammock. I finally caved into this craze.

We had to get a climbing rope that Meadow has been begging for. 

Oh, hey, Gail.

We went for a boat ride and made fun of all the homes and boats with Trump flags. Thankfully there aren't that many; and no boat parades.

These kids sure love the pontoon.

We went back to the parking lot formerly known as the Oneida Village Inn.

This time we had prime rib and bbq.

And cocktails. 

Meadow wanted a climbing rope for the cottage woods.

My dad gave in and attached it to the tree house. 

The rope we bought was super stretchy and not great for climbing. Whoops.

Brooke wanted to go canoeing today, but I had a sore wrist and Daniel was still reeling from wakeboarding. So, we decided to go hiking in the Nicolet National Forest. 

After looking through the maps we had we decided to go back to trail we went to a few years ago. We couldn't remember exactly where it was and went off memory. On our way we discovered another trail. 

 Brooke and I had remembered a trail in the Headwaters Wilderness, but along the road we found a different trail.

I wish we had a book of hiking trails for the Chequamagon - Nicolet National Forest. This trail was a quick easy loop. Perfect for Theo or my mom.

Then we drove a bit further down the road to the Headwaters Wilderness hiking trail. 

We couldn't get Meadow to tag along, but Theo loved it.

He said "hiking boring!" and then happily came along.


While we were away, Mr. Mike made Meadow a seat for the rope. Now she can climb or swing to heart's desire.

She exclaimed, this is the best thing Grandpa has ever made!

Theo's best thing Grandpa ever made is the boat sandbox.

Before we headed home we went on one more boat ride.


It was pretty cold. I've gotten used to all the 90 degree days this summer. Thankfully all the other cottagers thought it was cold and apparently left early. We only saw 2 other boats on the lakes.

I navigated us through the Thoroughfare.


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