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Meadow @ 7 Years

Meadow loves to read books, swing, do art and crafts, watch tv, play dress up, play video games.

She's good at math, way better at it than I was at her age.

She's still a little shy, but shows her personality once you get to know her.

She has her favorite foods and has been more open to trying new things.

She only wears and costumes. Costumes would be her main wardrobe if she could.

She's still a night owl sometimes going to bed after we do. Some days she wakes up at 7am and other days she'll sleep until 10am.

Here are Meadow's answers this year. 

How old are you? Seven
What is your favorite color? Rainbow
What is your favorite animal? Zebra
What is your favorite book? Richard Scarry's Dictionary
What is your favorite TV show? Where's Waldo
What is your favorite movie? Star Wars movies
What is your favorite song? I don't know
What is your favorite food? Can it be a restaurant? Sushi.
What is your favorite drink? Maple Root Beer
What is your favorite breakfast food? Um..Frozen 2 Cereal with marshmallows
What is your favorite snack? Cherries!
What is your favorite outfit? My Elsa costumes
What is your favorite game? Hide and Seek with Theo
What is your favorite toy? Magnatiles
Who is your best friend? Um...Salma and Maggie
What is your favorite thing to do? Play magnatiles
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing!
What is your favorite holiday? Mmm..What's the question? Oh my favorite holiday is...I can't, I don't know what it's called where you put hearts on the windows? Valentines
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Usually when I'm sleeping with Theo, I like to take him to bed.
Where is your favorite place to go? Cottage or Grandpa and Grandma's house
What is your favorite restaurant? Um..Sushi Train
Where do you want to go on vacation? Hawaii. It's basically a beach. You could go to the beach everyday and sleep on the ocean. There's houses on the beaches.
What do you want to be when you grow up? How want to be a doll clothes maker. American Girl dolls especially. 
What did you do on your birthday? I went to the band shelter and me and Theo shared a hot dog. And we got presents. One of them was walkie talkies, four of them. 


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