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Showing posts from September, 2019

G.G. & Grandpa Visit. Fun ensues.

A collection of super-sweet cereals....must mean that the G.G. and Grandpa are here. They arrived early enough to surprise Meadow at school. More cereal. Meadow is wearing a dress that she picked out at Tandem Vintage. Meadow had to mark all her favorites while we waited for Brooke.

Painting Our Bedroom, Open Streets and Evening Walks

I always say we don't need to add another hobby. I always lose out. This time Meadow got roller blades. She had been asking for some and found ones her size at Play It Again Sports. It gets her outside and keeps her practicing for ice skating.

Hike Trip with the Kids to Nerstrand State Park

Meadow and I had so much fun hiking and geocaching last weekend, we decided to do it again. I was busy photographing for a project in Lake City. Our state park pass expires at the end of the month so we decided on Nerstrand State Park. A short drive from Minneapolis I'd always wanted to go.  I love that they had this natural playground. First we wanted to see the waterfall. Little hiker. The waterfall was a lot smaller than I expected but it was open for free play. I let the kids play for awhile. Then we found another area to play. Mr Independent had to hike back himself. That's my stubborn little guy. We took a lunch break before geocaching.  Meadow didn't believe me she had smoothie on her face. Theo either. We finished our day by hiking almost the whole park to find the cache. Too bad Scott couldn't have joined us. 

A Bryant Ave Block Party and Solo Parenting x 2

While everyone else in Minneapolis closes their street down to traffic on National Night Out, it's a tradition on our block to do so at the end of summer. Because we are on a higher traffic street with a busline the city doesn't like us to block traffic on NNO.