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Open Streets Lyndale (Mostly)

Now that its finally nice out we have started going out for family bike rides after dinner. While going around Lake Harriet, we stopped at the beach to play.

Meadow claimed she didn't want to go in the lake, but as soon as we were there she was playing in the water.

The beach is a lot smaller this year due to the rise in water levels.

On Saturday we ate breakfast and headed out to some rummage sales. We got some new toys for Theo, Batman towels for the kids and Meadow picked out some clip on earrings.

I should've sent this to Blake.

We stopped at the library where Theo watched other children.

He also tried to join the class in the community room. Meadow says he was just trying to learn new things.

We haven't used our car since coming back from the cottage.

We had an early dinner: pork picadillo over plantains. It was a bit spicy as you can see from Theo's expression.

The kids played with Theo's new toys.

Then we went to an ice cream party at our friends Shannyn and Brent's place. For some reason we didn't bring our camera.

On Sunday we ate oatmeal quick before heading out.

Our first farmers market trip of the season. 

There was a crowd, but not much produce; another late start to the growing season.

We did pick up some jam and pastries.

No smoothie truck today Meadow.

For Mother's Day Meadow and I got matching dresses. We actually took a long time picking out a style we both liked. We are complete opposites.

Theo and I did not have matching outfits, but we do have matching Brewers hats.

We dropped off the jam and then got back on our bikes for Open Streets Lyndale.

Watch out Meadow, Teddy is about to fall out.

This year we started at the beginning.

Or at the end depending on how you think about it. We first biked all the way to 54th and Lyndale Avenue S.

 In the liquor store parking lot were some bouncy houses. Meadow loved the obstacle course one.

It was giant. 

We were then treated to free sno cones.

Meadow wanted to stop at the music box.

A few blocks down was another bouncy house.

I was pointing out to Meadow a bike with ice cream cones on it.

I just thought they were cute.

Our next stop brought us to face painting.

No wonder Meadow would later call this the best day ever. Every stop was for her.

She chose a rainbow face.

Theo practiced more walking while we waited for Meadow.

Meadow saw this fruit stand and insisted we stop. What a great idea.

This was my favorite stop of the day and Theo's too.

Meadow loves any opportunity to ride in the street.

Another stop to get lemonade. I love all the kids selling out in their front yard. This street had 3 lemonade stands. 

Meadow was having so much fun. We stopped next to decorate our bikes.

Theo and I waited patiently. We were getting bored, so we checked out the petting zoo next door. All of the goats loved Theo.

Then another stop to make spin art. 

After this we were hungry so we had to stop making and stops and head towards the food.

We finally got to Lyn-Lake where there were a bunch of food trucks, beer gardens,  a wrestling ring and an all woman rock band. We got some pizza by the slice and watched the band for a bit.

Snapology had some fun toys just down the block.

We had ditched our bike and I hadn't had any food. Galactic Pizza ran out of pizza. So we got on our bikes and decided to bike over to Lake Harriet to get Bread & Pickle for dinner.

Every place on Lyndale was packed.

Plus Meadow loves anywhere you can get a hotdog. And the burgers are really good. Simple, but good.

At least this kid will eat grilled cheese.

We were exhausted when we returned home. We promised Meadow ice cream and then crashed until bedtime.

Until next Open Streets, folks.


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