Our little buddy is no longer a little baby. I felt like the first 6 months of his life were slow and the last 6 months flew by.

He loves pulling things out of drawers and off shelves, laughing at Meadow, eating anything, going in cupboards, playing with water, being held, dancing to music, making bubbles.

He ate a black olive and wasn't sure, then the next day gobbled them up. He has yet to eat something he doesn't like.

He still prefers crawling to trying to walk. He will walk if he holds your hands or using his walker.

He still has no teeth.

He's learned to whistle and says uh aw.

He's much better at sleeping during the night. He mostly sleeps through the night or gets up once. If he does wake up it's between 5-7am. If he gets the chance he will sleep in.
He still nurses but only 3-4 times a day.
It's all true. He's a sweetheart. Our sweetheart.

He loves pulling things out of drawers and off shelves, laughing at Meadow, eating anything, going in cupboards, playing with water, being held, dancing to music, making bubbles.

He ate a black olive and wasn't sure, then the next day gobbled them up. He has yet to eat something he doesn't like.

He still prefers crawling to trying to walk. He will walk if he holds your hands or using his walker.

He still has no teeth.

He's learned to whistle and says uh aw.

He's much better at sleeping during the night. He mostly sleeps through the night or gets up once. If he does wake up it's between 5-7am. If he gets the chance he will sleep in.
He still nurses but only 3-4 times a day.
It's all true. He's a sweetheart. Our sweetheart.
Theo's questions as answered by Meadow
How old is Theo? One
What is his favorite color? Blue
What is his favorite animal? Zebras
What is his favorite book? Seeking a Witch
What is his favorite TV show? Wild Kratts
What is his favorite movie? The ballet girl. The one where the girl wanted to be in ballet class. (Leap)
What is his favorite song? My Little Pony
What is his favorite food? Um His favorite food is...popsicles!
What is his favorite drink? Water haha
What is his favorite breakfast food? Eggs
What is his favorite snack? Hmm, umm applesauce.
What is his favorite outfit? Superman!
What is his favorite game? Ah, rainbows.
What is his favorite toy? Rainbows
Who is his best friend? Sissy! (Meadow)
What is his favorite thing to do? Theo's favorite thing to do is play in the back with the snow pile.
What is his favorite thing to do outside? Get held and play.
What is his favorite holiday? Valentines
What does Theo like to take to bed with him at night? Ah, mmm. Jumpy!
Where is his favorite place to go? Grandpa and Gigi's house.
What is his favorite restaurant? That mac and cheese place, like remember. The place I went to when on my last day of eating food. (What mac and cheese place?) You know! You're making it up. amarillo.
Where does he want to go on vacation? cottage
What does he want to be when he grows up? Construction worker.
What did he do on his birthday? Eat his first cake.