Theo is an eating machine. He still loves everything he's tried and eats a lot. He just likes eating. He's started using a walker and crawls and pulls himself up everywhere. His favorite words are da da and na na. Ma ma, pa pa. All the usual suspects. He still has no teeth, but that doesn't stop him from eating anything. Theo currently loves laughing at Meadow, pulling things out of the drawers, pulling down books, shaking things that make noise, eating, playing with water. He still gets scared when people he doesn't remember hold him when Scott or I are not around. He thinks saying no means it's a game. He shakes his little head back at you and giggles. Everyone always comments on how happy and smiley he is. It's a front for his adoring fans. He just started waving and understands some words. Theo still wakes up 0-2 times at night, but is getting better at sleeping. Our early bird has turned into a night owl and doesn't ...