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Blake and an Old Home Tour on Our 7th Anniversary

Blake was in town for another Teamsters meeting. I know, he's visited us two times this year! I didn't think we'd see him at all, but a few days before his arrival he mentioned he would stay with us on Saturday night.

Even if he's just here for his Teamsters meeting, we love to have the guy down here.

On Sunday we woke to snow falling. So why wouldn't we walk to the farmers market?

It was beautiful and everyone on social media was complaining. What Scrooges.

Apple cider donut and snowflakes? Don't mind if we do.

I have to say it's weird to be buying in-season apples during a snowfall.

I've felt run down the past two days so I skipped the donut. I was hoping the smoothie truck would be out one last time and sadly they weren't.

I'll miss the farmers market during the winter.

Theo is starting to get up on all fours.

We talked about maybe going to a casino buffet for our anniversary. But that plan fell through.

Did it or did you just make plans with Blake instead (which was probably more fun anyhow). I guess I was supposed to get a sitter.

Blake has been talking about touring the Purcell-Cutts house for years. It's only open for tours one weekend a month and it never worked out with his visits. Finally after all these years it was open the day he was here.

Except I accidentally booked tickets for the Saturday morning tour, so we'd have to wait an hour for the next tour.

Well we had an hour to pass so we took a scenic walk around the neighborhood.

Of course Meadow had to stop at the playground we passed. Next year Theo will be all over this.

Our tour guide started the tour off saying that after 17 years of giving tours she's never had a young child or a baby on her tour. We explained that these kids have been going on historic home tours their whole lives. Theo has already been on at least two.

People really don't trust their kiddos to do anything. We do not live by that mantra.

This place was designed by some of Frank Lloyd Wright's proteges (or was it just Prairie School architects?)

I could live here. Unlike FLW homes this felt way less cramped.

The house is owned by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and only open for the occasional tour. One lucky person gets to live here full time as the housekeeper.

Meadow liked this bedroom and I have to agree. 

The mini fireplace was darling.

Purcell-Cutts house. Check.

After Blake headed back to Duluth I finally laid down. I have been feeling sick for a week now and I think I wasn't getting better because I don't rest. And Theo keeps me up at night.

Sorry, killer bee.

I thought I'd entertain the kids while Brooke napped. We played some frisbee in the back.

With Theo on my back.

Eventually we made our way up front.

While Scott made dinner Meadow and I built towers for Theo to knock over.

This kid loves to eat. 

Eating peas and rice like a big kid.

After Theo went to bed Meadow and I played some Catan Junior.

We bought this game before Meadow was born. 

We had played with Blake the night before and it was a fun alternative. I think we're going to play this a lot with Meadow.


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