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Our First Dakota County Fair, a Wirth House Tour and Morgan Stops in Mpls

We have always wanted to go to a county fair here in Minnesota. Usually we are gone during fair time, but this year lucked out and we were home during the Dakota County Fair.

Once and while Meadow and Theo play without Theo crying. This picture has nothing to do with this blog post, but it sure is cute.


I like how the edge of the Twin Cities metro can be so country.

Wonder Woman requested a pronto pup.

She's officially a Minnesotan.

They had the mini ferris wheel here!

Theo was POed that he couldn't ride with Meadow.

Meadow really wanted to go in a floating hamster ball. 

Sadly it was not included with the ride tickets, but cost extra.

Instead Meadow and I went a roller coaster together. 

We took a break from rides and checked out the animal buildings.

The fairgrounds also has a heritage village.

The Dakota City Heritage Village, to be exact.

We got to explore all the old buildings and homes.

A still working early printing press.

Built in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by Allen-Bradley (famous for the clock tower just south of downtown).

Our third General Store this month.

 She found the one pink tractor.
Girl loves her corn.

No trip to the fair is complete without a 4H milkshake.

We all shared one and took a little rest.

Meadow wanted to practice her lassoing. She is Wonder Woman after all.

I always love the 4H building. Some of these kids are so talented.

Meadow likes the fairy gardens.

Then we walked back to the midway for more rides. They had a little scrambler too!

One more coaster ride before we called it a night.

Meadow has gotten much braver with riding by herself that were once "too scary."

These looked fun backlight.

She somehow talked us into playing one of the silly games. She could've went on another ride.

As we were walking back to our car to leave we realized we missed a whole section. The little zoo area was still open at least.

The next morning I was going to be productive and install our new fan. 

So long ceiling light. I had some issues with the plaster, but eventually I got the fan up.

Meadow likes feeding Theo.

Well, at least on this day.

Meadow built a rocket pack out of the styrofoam from the fan. So I took her for a flight.

At the nearby Lyndale Farmstead Park, Theodore Wirth's house was open for tours today only. This was the boy's room that apparently they slept in year round with just screens.

Meadow and Theo were much more excited to go swinging. Old Mr. Wirth would've loved seeing the kids playing.

So sweet with his kisses.

We got home and ate canary melon before dinner.

It was hot and we were hungry.

Then we had leftover tacos for dinner.

Morgan had texted me last week she was going to be driving through Minneapolis on her drive back to Washington state. We met up with her at the Sculpture Garden.

Meadow and Morgan having a good time.

I was tired. Working too late many a night. Morgan was chipper despite driving from Washington to Wisconsin and back.

Our first family of four photo.


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