At about 7am I started having contractions. Within a half hour they were only minutes apart, but I could still walk and breath through. Brooke woke me up way too early and told me the news. I was hoping to sleep in since I'd been out late for that final Hollow Boys show. With them being close together I called the midwife just in case. She said to call back when I couldn't talk through them. About an hour and half later we were on our way to the birth center. Brooke spent most of the first few hours in the water-birthing tub. Meadow and I read books and she made fun out of whatever she could find. After a couple of hours of intense contractions I was getting tired. We were basically waiting for my water to break to begin pushing. Meadow eventually decided to dip her toes and then her legs into the bath. She was along for the whole experience. She kept herself entertained and later told me she didn't like the noises I made. ...