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A January Friendsgiving in our New Place and Our First Restaurant Walk

I missed out on the Big Pancake breakfast because I had to go to a prenatal appointment.

Somehow big pancakes have went from a special Saturday breakfast to Meadow and I's go to homemade breakfast.

When I returned I talked Meadow into wearing the dress I made her. When I offered it as something to wear she said, "No you can give that to someone else." I was sad. She eventually agreed and I braided her hair.

She's been pretty snooty recently about clothing and food. She often tells me, "You can give that to Shine, I don't want it." Shine, being the nickname, she gave to our soon-to-be second born.

The things she wants to give away are things we actually want to keep and the things we'd like her to give away she wants to keep.

Our new fridge is not small by any means, but we were wasting a lot of freezer space with the turkey we got from Brooke's job. Once again we made Tandoori Turkey with the bird. We loosely follow the Bon Appetite recipe except I don't use a turkey bag and instead use greek yogurt, which sticks to the bird like wonders. I also cook it at 325 degrees after the first 30 minutes at 400.

For our dessert with dinner I asked Meadow what we should make and she suggested chocolate Bundt cake.

So the two of them, or is it three, put together a little cake.

With the addition of chocolate chips.

Brooke look so cute in this way-too-little for a pregnant lady apron.

I didn't realize how funny this looked on me. I even met one of the neighbors wearing this while taking out the garbage. 

A few hours later and the turkey looked damn good.

When Cayla and Amanda arrived they brought presents for Meadow. It was mostly purple clothing, but Meadow was more excited for the Hello Kitty doll.

Though, she really does love purple clothing.

Every Friendsgiving seems to have different guests. Meadow definitely loved having Amanda and Cayla over. She enjoyed her turkey while the grownups talked about many a topic.

Another great January Friendsgiving and a nice night with our first guests.

Of course the tiny bundt cake made it perfect.

Even though it's tiny we still had one piece left. 

After dinner we had playtime in Meadow's room.

We never really had the Baumann's over for dinner at our last place. Hopefully we'll have many more meals at our condo.

The next morning the weather finally was warm enough to go outside without freezing your boogers. We decided to get breakfast at one of the restaurants in our new neighborhood.

We passed the nearby bustling skating rink at Lyndale Farmstead along the way.

It's kind of awesome to say we can walk to Victor's 1959.

While waiting for our table Meadow and I did some Brain Quest.

Meadow really wanted apple juice, but they didn't have it on the menu. She's was even happier to get some mango juice.

The food is always good of course. This time I tried the basque scrambler.

Meadow ordered a blueberry pancake and a mango pancake.

I'm really digging being in walking distance of good restaurants.

After being almost settled in I have to say I think we definitely made the right decision on our move. 


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