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Fox Cities Birthday Bash Weekend

Every year we get invited to Pippa's birthday party. This year we decided, why not? My parents had already made plans to go up to the cottage, so we had the house to ourselves. My dad had left Meadow a gift.

Breakfast at grandma's includes cereal and cartoons.

We thought we would bring along our bikes to bike to the party. Everything is so close together here, why did I wait to start biking when I was 20?

We made a pitstop at Walgreen's to pick up a birthday card since Pippa's gift was going to be sent in the mail.

Whoever thought a windmill should be built across from a Walgreens was smoking something strange.

When I came out of the store I heard, "I didn't know you guys were going to be here!" As it turns out Sarah came back the same weekend. Had we known we could have carpooled.

Now, somewhere near the Fox River, that would make sense for a place to put a windmill.

Meadow insisted on wearing her superhero shirt today. She's also gotten very shy and takes a lot longer to warm up to people.

Cool t-shirt, Meadow. 

Donna made these cool ribbon dancers for the kids.

Were birthday parties always just an excuse for the parents to hang out and drink beers?

Depends on the parents hosting the party 

Donna's, like, way preggos.

Maybe we should just order in some pizza for Meadow's fifth birthday. 

After presents we went inside for cake. Donna is always baking something extravagant.

That's one hell of a cake.

Then the kids were excited for new toys inside.

As usual we outstayed our welcome and drank all of Malcom's beer.

I asked if we straggled too much, but they claimed we were always welcome to stay longer.

We were thinking of heading over to the History Museum at the Castle afterwards, but hanging out with friends won over. 

Meadow finally warmed up to the other girls.

Meadow even let Malcom give her a ride on the trike.

At some point we ran out of beer and picked up a few more.

Scott and I were discussing earlier that we should go to Koreana.

We all were discussing the impending closure.

This then turned into let's all go. With a newborn in the group we all decided best to get takeout.

We each ordered one thing then ate family style.

We ordered the Korean food while everyone else got sushi. It was a good combo platter.

There was so much food.

This was the best idea. 

Meadow and the girls started a rock band.

Sorry Meadow, but it's time to go to your first sleepover.

Meadow has been wanting to have a sleepover for awhile. Apparently Nolan and Marina have sleepovers. With us being home they got to have a cousin sleepover at Chelsea's house. Meadow rode her bike over.

Chelsea got Marina and Meadow Shimmer and Shine coloring books.

Marina showed up, wearing pink and a skirt!

Chelsea loves doing Snapchat.

We finally got a night without Meadow and we just went back to Brooke's parents house and went to bed to early. 

Had we not spent the entire day drinking I would have been more willing to go out.

My mom texted me saying not to disturb the birds nest. I finally found the nest, but couldn't see if any eggs were inside.

I guess we did have a Mother's Day at Bay Beach ahead of us. The extra sleep was likely advisable.

We asked Brittany if they wanted to join us. This way Meadow could ride with Marina and we could trade to go on adult rides. I picked up the girls in the morning and we all met back at my parents house.

When we'd went to the waterfall near Green Bay back in the fall, we'd ate at Zesty's Frozen Custard. I wanted to try out the original only to find out it was custard only. So, we went to the other location with burgers. 

We ate a bunch of frozen custard and burgers while the kids enjoyed box mac and cheese. 

Marina was preoccupied by Ms. Pacman, but eventually came around to her chocolate malt.

For Mothers Day moms got a free scoop of ice cream. I gave mine to Scott.

Then we arrived at the best place in Green Bay. Where else can you go on rides all day for only $10?

We waited while the wives and kids rode the carousel.

Except we had to wait a bit longer because Marina hadn't found a animal she'd liked the first time.

Meadow's not afraid of the helicopter ride. I asked her if she wanted to do the up down ride again and she firmly said no!

Only Marina, Jeff and I were brave enough for the ferris wheel. 

Meadow kept changing her mind on if she wanted to go or not.

Despite how busy it was the lines for rides go quickly.

Scott and I took the chance to go on the adult swings. I hadn't been on this ride since I was like 12.

This is my new favorite Bay Beach ride. 

We found the girls back on the carousel.

I tried to convince Meadow to try the kid swings. She loves swings, I don't know why this seems scary.

The slide needed to be rewaxed.

After watching for a while, Meadow was finally certain that she could ride on the kiddy swings.

Brooke and I braved the roller coaster while Brittany and Jeff volunteered to take the little ones on a few more rides.

This was scary. Scott said I screamed the loudest. Apparently the Zippin Pippin came from Memphis and was Elvis' favorite ride.

More swings for Meadow.

Before heading home, the girls cajoled us into riding the tug boat. I ran to get tickets, just making it before the box office closed. It was totally worth it.

The girls loved it. We assumed they were too little to go on it.

We had plans to leave at 3 at the latest, but we were having too much fun we didn't leave until after 6.

Near Chippewa Falls we were getting hungry. We could have went to the Mexican restaurant that was near closing that had free shots for mom or the Asian buffet. We chose the buffet. If only the other restaurant wasn't closing. 

Chinese Buffet? Is this Father's Day?

We got our bill and noticed they upped the price for Mothers Day. Should have gotten that free shot.

No way. That was a top five Chinese Buffet.

We had never been in downtown Chippewa Falls and thought we would take a look. Looks like they have all their stop lights synced. 


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