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A Grandma Lungwitz 88th Birthday-Memorial Day Weekend at the Cottage

 Scott had to work in Stillwater the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. Instead of having him drive all the way back to pick me up from work and then go back toward Wisconsin, I took the day off and tagged along. 

Meadow and I walked over to Teddy Bear Park to play.

 Meadow loves the cliff climbing area.

 Then we walked over to the River Market Community Coop to meet Scott for a quick lunch.

After parting ways Meadow and I walked down by the river.

 After her quick snack she wanted to play in the flooded park. 

 Then Meadow and I walked over to the Warden's House Museum for a tour.

 Besides a wall, the watch tower is the only remains from the original Stillwater Prison.

 During the tour our tourguides mentioned that just up the hill was once the grandest home in Stillwater.

 This was once home to one of the lumber barons of the Stillwater. All that remains of the home was the depression from the foundation.

 There are some nice views up here.

The homes here are so darling and I can't believe how everthing is within walking distance. I could almost move here.

After a long hiatus from the cottage, we finally decided to make a date with our favorite place. Along the way we even saved this giant snapping turtle.

We pulled over to switch drivers and noticed this turtle trying to cross a parking lot.

We turned him back in the right direction.

After saving the turtle we drove all the way to Rhinelander. Trigg's it is.

I prefer getting groceries on the way so we don't ruin precious cottage time running to town.

My grandma was coming up again for her birthday. I called her a few days ago to see what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday. Last year I had made her favorite, so, this year I could chose whatever sounded good. I decided on a semi homemade red velvet Oreo cake. 

Hey Nolan.

Thrifting Three Lakes
Memorial weekend means rummage sales. 

Thrifting Three Lakes
I'm not cool enough to wear that hat.

I scored a new teapot for $1.50 and got a mini muffin pan in the free bin for Meadow's kitchen.

You kind of look like a lady from the late 70s here, Brooke. I dig it.

Jokin Joes
After we thrifted near downtown Three Lakes for a while, we stopped at Jokin' Joe's. I needed a new fishing pole after Brooke accidentally got caught on my boyhood pole and snapped the tip.

Then we went back to the old guy in the woods vintage emporium.

He'd sold a lot of stuff that he'd had the previous year.

Chapel in the Pines
My dad noticed we passed The Chapel in the Pines and said we had to stop. It was pretty cute. I guess it was started by a group that would meet on the lake in their boats. Services are only run in the middle of summer.

Then we went to best damn junk sale you could ever imagine. OK, well, at least I thought it was great.

First, I found these awesome hiking boots.

Apparently Brooke tried to tell me about a nice single seat child bike trailer. I didn't hear her, but she told me about it on the way home. When I heard about it I knew I had to go back. 

The old Trek-Charriot carrier was in pretty good condition, but the guy wanted $50 bucks for it. They do go for $500 new, so I guess I could do it. I bargained that I'd take it, but I wanted one of his tackle boxes too. Win!

I needed a victory drink.

The new trailer hooks onto any bike without a hitch on the bike. We tested it out giving Harvey a ride.

Later the kids helped me do my annual deep clean of our car. 

While the kids cleaned our car, I scrubbed and scrubbed my new-old tackle box.

Then we got in a quick boat ride.

Everyone loves a good boat ride along the chain of lakes.

Three Lakes Boat Ride Drinking Leine's

Our family is getting too big, we need a pontoon.

Near the end the kids were getting a bit rambunctious.

Brooke and I made some steak fries.

While Dan cooked up some zucchini.

Grilled chicken and avocado aioli to go with the fries.

Dog Lake Three Lakes Sunset
After dinner I said good night to Dog Lake. We missed you.

G.G.: teaching bad habits since 2013.

My mom was complaining yesterday she wasn't feeling well. This morning my dad took her to urgent Care. She came back saying she had a contagious virus.

Once again someone was sick at the cottage.

I woke up to a typical, Brooke breakfast.

Chelsea, Dan, the kids and I spent some time fishing with bobbers.

Meadow just wanted to cast. Chelsea, wasn't so sure about that.

The boat's probably a safer place to avoid the crazy Meadow casting action.

Meanwhile Brooke was doing what Brooke does.

Always baking at the cottage.

Or eating sausages.

Dan and I wanted to go fishing for Northern Pike, but Mike was still iwth G.G. at the hospital.

Mike made it back and we went out to get us some fish.

Our first few stops on the bay at the end of Big Lake didn't get us much action. Well other than the pike I caught and then lost on my new Mepps Black Fury. Only the next cast my swivel snapped. On to my next lure I guess.

northern pike three lakes big lake
Then we moved onto some windswept bays on the south side of Big Lake.

northern pike three lakes big lake
Dan caught one, two, three...I got a few on my line, reeled one in, and then Mr. Mike got a couple.

northern pike three lakes big lake
Dan didn't stop catching them until he reached the bag limit. In a series of 15 minutes we had to have something like 15 fish on our lines and pulled in at least 7 northern and a bass. Mike even lost a muskie.

We did not come home empty handed.

I leave the pike cleaning to the experts. No one wants boney fish sticks.

Not bad, killer bee.

While the guys fished, I finished the red velvet Oreo with chocolate ganache cake.

Always reading books.

Cottage food in a nutshell.

Then it was cake time. Grandma seemed to like the cake I chose.

I think great grandma wanted the correct amount of candles, but her cake would've been lit up like the moon.

Happy 88th, grandma!

Before heading home Meadow and I got in some quality tree house time.

We even restrung the Sponge Bob lights. 

Someday you can have sleepovers here Meadow.

The weather wasn't so great as we packed up and left. See you on the 4th cottage.


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