My sister Chelsea texted me last week saying she was going to be in town for work and asked if she could stay the weekend.
And she did.
Meadow wanted to have a sleepover with Chelsea and stayed with her in the guest room while she was here.
I made big pancakes for everyone for breakfast.
After breakfast Chelsea headed home. She wanted to beat the snowstorm coming and see her boys.
After she left Meadow helped me make granola.
Whenever she helps Brooke she seems way more helpful.
I found stickers hiding in one of our kitchen cabinets. Meadow got excited to use them all on one picture. "It's going to be beautiful!"
Leftover nacho toppings and chips are the best leftovers.
Then Tyler and Emma dropped off their kids while they finished some last things on their house.
I had spent the whole previous day helping them move their things into a storage unit. For the next couple of weeks they'll be staying with us while they find a tow vehicle for their long-term road trip.
Ring around the Brooke became a fun game.
Before we had dinner I took the kids outside to play in the snow.
This has been a rare site this winter unless we went up to the cottage or up north.
Then we had the first of many double family meals.