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A Fiala Family Weekend

Tyler and Emma are currently selling their house. With two open houses this weekend they decided to stay out of the way. When plans to go out of town fell through they decided on a stay-cation at our house.

Tyler promised he'd order some food when they came over. Of course, if you know Tyler at all, he ordered in some Indian food.

For what seemed like only a little food, we all had plenty to eat.

For dessert we all shared this tiny thing of mango ice cream.

In the morning I treated everyone to kaisercharrn. Only it took way longer than I'd expected.

Meadow was excited to have friends to play with right away.

Yes we still have our tree up, Scott couldn't part with it. He said its like having a large plant.

Seems wasteful to throw it so soon.

Emma put our percolator to good use throughout the weekend.

As for June, I'm not sure what he was up too.

Yummy. Fluffy. Goodness.

Olive said it was better than Pancake House.

We all squeezed in the nook to eat said kaiserchmarrn.

I think Tyler and Olive asked for fourths.

After breakfast we headed to Lake Harriet for the Winter Kite Festival.

We bought Meadow a kite for Easter a few years ago. When we took it out recently we realized it was missing a pole. We stopped by Toy's R Us the other day to pick up a new one. We lucked out as they had some on sale for $.48! We may have bought four.

As soon as we got there we lost one of the cross poles. Luckily will still had three others to use.

We looked everywhere. We could not figure out where it went. It fell out when Scott threw the kite in the air.

There's June doing something else again.

We each had our own kite to try.

Then we walked around to look at the big kites.

They were, indeed, very large.

Olive and June will really miss one another when they move away.

Then we drove over to Powderhorn Park and made it just in time to catch the end of the Art Sled Rally.

We only saw maybe 5 or so sleds, but it was killer.

The Fialas were lagging behind and missed the rally.

I was hoping this kitty sled would have been last.

At least we got a picture in front of it.

On the way back Tyler told me they were going to the Midtown Global Market. We weren't that hungry, but we picked up some cookies and a few other items at the Wedge.

Once we were all back, Meadow and her friends played hide and seek. Our house is great for hiding spots.

Each turn I'd make them hide in the hardest to find place. The women just watched.

Deep Dish it was for dinner.

Again Scott received great compliments from Olive.

How can you go wrong?

After the kids went to sleep, Tyler and I went to Seb Joe's for a couple of quarts of ice cream. This was our other payment for serving as a b&b.

We were going to play Settlers of Catan, but settled for ice cream and convo instead.

So much hash for breakfast.

I'm pretty sure Olive dug this, too.

Today, we convinced the Fiala's to go ice skating. Olive and June haven't tried single blades yet and we thought this was a good opportunity.

I signed Meadow up for a small session of ice skating lessons with the Minneapolis Parks. The first class she refused to listen to the instructor and we ended up leaving early. The second class she did so much better. We have been taking her ice skating every week. She's getting so much better. She does great without the trainer, but still insists on using it.

The weather is perfect to stay on the ice for hours.

Olive and June were trying their best.

Tyler borrowed all of my old winter gear. Well, I still wear those snowpants.

I kept thinking he was Scott.

After awhile the kids thought it would be fun to crash into each other.

We need to go back soon.

The Fialas decided to stay one more night since they had scheduled a few more showings. I made my famous spaghetti and meatballs. Tyler picked up some Dangerous Man Chocolate Milk Stout.

Then after everyone went to bed, including Brooke; Tyler, Emma and I finally played a round of Catan. You know I lost.

Some people have work in the morning..


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