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Another Smelt Run

We decided last minute that we would head to Duluth for the night and a day for the famous Smelt Run. We had a birthday party in the morning and left from there. Meadow got a bracelet kit in the pinata so we played with that together.

When we got to town Blake was still busy. We decided to eat over in Superior, but first I showed Brooke our fellow Northsider Brian's new digs. We'll miss him over north, but can you blame him for moving into this place.

When Brian got the place in Superior he mentioned a bed and breakfast that he thought Brooke and I would be perfect for. I'm totally up for this endeavor, but I'm not sure I can convince  Brooke that this would be a good idea.

If I was going to move back to Wisconsin I don't think I'd pick Superior. Sorry Brian.

Since we drove up last minute, we didn't plan any meals to bring along. Anchor Bar it is!

We truly love Thirsty Pagan, but the burgers at Anchor are so, so good. And so damn cheap.

Blake and his new roommate Daniel joined us after rehearsal.

Meadow fed Blake some chips (or is that a pickle?).

She fed him her pickles and she had a lot!

These two.

Blake stayed at his land for the night and the next morning we woke up early and headed to the Black Bear Casino again for breakfast brunch.

Still very good, but it did lose its new car smell.

On the way back we drove through Jay Cooke State Park. We need do some hiking here this Summer.

We came back to Blake and Daniel working on this awesome double bike.

I tried helping, but didn't quite finish fixing the beast up. We were going it ride it in the parade. Maybe next year...

We told Meadow she could ride in the basket. She kept asking to do that all day. Sorry Meadow, next time.

After failing to complete the bike we high tailed it to Canal Park.

I keep forgetting to make Meadow a crown.

Justin/Jasper in the house.

I love this freaking city.

Run, smelt! Run!

Prince may have left our dearly beloved, but his smelt-self will always be here to remember the purple one.

Blake was the mayor of Smelt. We actually weren't sure it was him at first.

You knew this kid would show up again.

"Wait Blake so I can send a picture to mom."

Pose, Blake, pose.

I really wanted to get a beer this year during the intermission.

Meanwhile, Meadow and I played by the water.

Blake asked if I wanted to be one of the ladies of the sea (they have a different name but I can't remember). Maybe next year if Meadow does it with me.

I wouldn't mind being the fish leader though.

It seemed like things were moving faster this year. Or maybe I was expecting the break in between.

There's Meadow catscaling the wall.

I'm so proud of Blake.

The parade ends with a dance off.

Blake the smelt mayor quickly morphed into just Blake.

Zoom with your feet kids. Your pictures will be amazing.

I tried talking Brooke into dancing, but instead we just sat on the curb.

Until next year smelt hoardes.

We ate our smelt dinner quickly to make it to the show.

I ripped my favorite pants sitting down. Maybe I shouldn't have got the beer.

Blake went from being the mayor of the smelt parade to the narrator of a smelt crankie epic. Who knew that smelt were so important to the development of civilization?


Unknown said…
Looks like a good time!
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