I believe Meadow was trying to dress herself this morning.
With our rehabbed windows we are unable to hang up our old shades. I woke up bright and early with the sun.
I kind of like it. Keeps us from oversleeping when Meadow doesn't wake up at a reasonable time.
We didn't have any food for breakfast so we walked down to Lowry Cafe.
I think I had gotten so used to walking around south Minneapolis, the week our windows were worked on, that this just seemed natural.
"Carry you, carry you!"
Along the way we stumbled upon a cat gang. Is that normal feline behavior?
Meadow and I were excited to be back at the Lowry Cafe. It had been ages.
Brooke got their still-killer corned beef hash, I got a spin on poutine and Meadow had a waffle. I tried to sneak a bite of Meadows waffle.
She cried a long time after Scott snuck a bite. I had to bring her over by me and then she ate her whole waffle by herself.
Then we met up with Cayla and Amanda for our annual ice skating get together. They didn't have any skates that fit Amanda so she volunteered to hold Meadow's hand.
Meadow really impressed them with her skills.
It was much milder than last years so she didn't mind staying out.
At first she didn't want to use the skating trainer, but eventually she warmed up to it.
The ice was a little soft due to the warm weather.
Amanda and Meadow have wicked moves.
Meadow didn't want to leave Cayla and Amanda.
I think we need to see these two more often.
When we got home I made a grocery list.
I make a list of items we already have and Scott takes full charge of the meal planning. Thanks Scott!
Marriage = team work.
I asked Meadow if she wanted to go grocery shopping. She replied, "Nope."
She insisted on bringing her basket and we let her pick out fruit to put in it. I helped make her normal antsy shopping experience go a little better.
After everyone went to bed I said goodnight to the skyline that I can only see in winter.