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Kayak, Hike, Swim and Bike Minneapolis

Sunday breakfast doens't get much simpler than fried eggs, bacon and chocolate banana bread.

The other day I very thoroughly cleaned out our old fridge that we had sitting in our garage for a few years, in hopes of selling it. If you or someone you know is looking for a new fridge, it runs great and is immaculately clean.

Only $100!

Also got this awesome Nikkor 17-55 for sale.

Papa let's bike!

More like, "Mama, sit down. That way"

During the week we let Meadow run free, but on the weekends it gets very crowded so I have to carry her in the Ergo. I still think this is one of the best and most useful baby gift we received. 

Couldn't say no to a truck full of corn.

Meadow always insists on riding other people's bikes, but refuses to ride her own. 

You could say that our bikes are our minivan.

After the farmers market we biked over Olson Highway and back to home in North Minneapolis.

I do love that almost anywhere we go in the city it can be taken by a trail or bike lane. 

For almost a year now Emma and I have been talking about taking the kayaks out together. We finally settled on this afternoon. Besides work I really don't go out much without my family. Scott usually has to watch Meadow 2-4 days a week so he complained of having to spend more time with her on his "day off". I was excited to get some lady time in.

If you didn't go to bed at 9 on worknights you might get more fun in.

I'd like to see you get up at 6am and not complain about being tired.

Instead of moping around I took Meadow on a wagon ride to Wirth Park.

After a while she just wanted to run. She's really bad at staying on her side of trails.

I believe Emma was telling a really interesting story here. We had talked about going to Minnehaha Creek. I had no idea you could even paddle the whole thing and that it takes 9 hours to do it completely.

We passed on that idea since someone was going to need to pick us up and bring us back to my car. We instead settled on the chain of lakes in Minneapolis. 

Meadow wanted to push the wagon.

When I got in she tried her best.

I've been wanting to hike ever since our Duluth adventures.

We started at the channel between Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake and headed towards Lake Calhoun. Once we got to Lake Calhoun we noticed all the man powered boats disappeared and the wind really picked up.

Meadow got super crabby when I insisted that she get back in the wagon.

North Minneapolis gets lumped together as some scary place, but it's full of beautiful homes.

If we had more money we would've bid on this home. It's such a great house.

We turned around and headed back towards Cedar Lake and then onwards to Brownie Lake. 

Whereas the rest of the lakes are busy with other paddlers Brownie Lake was quiet and peaceful.

I wish I could live over here. Where you live in the city, but it feels like you're not. 


This guy has the right idea.

Also for sale: an epic juicer.

Once I got back and Meadow woke from her nap I suggested we try the new pool at Webber Park. It's only open until Labor Day weekend and we plan to be gone so I knew this was our only chance. 

This is the first pool in the nation to be all natural and chemical free. Apparently Meadow prefers pools over lakes. She stayed in the water longer than normal and even went up to her shoulders. 

I'm a lucky dude.

We had to keep telling her stop running, she wouldn't stop. 

I hope she starts listening better soon.

After falling too many times we let her play on the playground instead. 

This kids going to be a rock star.

Chile rellenos, black beans and Mexican-street corn.

It's starting to get dark too early.

Meadow sure loves her some corn. 


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