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Valentiens = Hearts

Today started off on a bad note. I was caring Meadow downstairs to make breakfast when I slipped halfway down. I landed on Meadow and she started crying. I thought for sure I had broken her leg. She was fine, but when I stood up I couldn't walk on my left foot.

Brooke thought she may have broken it, but after a conversation with Momma Gail we thought we'd wait it out. It turns out it was better by the next morning. I'm just happy neither of my babes got seriously hurt.

This sweetheart is a tough little gal. Her canines are coming in, which means her nose has been running for a week.

Seeing as it's Valentines I made us some heart shaped eggs.

Along with chocolate rye pancakes that tasted like cake. 

Meadow couldn't argue with cake for breakfast.

Meadow colored in some hearts while Scott cleaned up. 

I finished crocheting my heart garland.

All I wanted for Valentine's Day was some ice cream. So Sebastian Joe's it was.

Salty caramel for me and the usual Oreo for Brooke while Meadow took about a third of each our cones.

Since it was only 5 degrees we got a 30% discount.

Back at home it was time for lunch. Of course we ate it in a heart shaped bowl.

We only have one.

I needed to rest my foot so Meadow and I watched Charlie Brown's Valentines episode.

I made a heart-shaped bundt cake while Brooke prepped dough for Valentine's pizza.

This pan makes the perfect servings.

Meadow figured out how to get into the nook. She was writing on everything but the chalkboard so I helped her up to the real thing.

Even when I took the chalk away she didn't want to leave the nook.

Or stop drawing on everything.

I asked Emma if they wanted to join us for dinner. To go along with today's theme we had heart shaped pizzas.

This was a damn good Hallmark card appreciation day. The Fiala's always make for a good time.

Meadow is suddenly into hugging. 

After I gave Tyler a bunch of my old clothing I read Olive a story since she asked me. Brooke tried to catch this moment but was too slow. Nice try killer bee!

It was hard to do with one working foot.

Happy Valentines!


Amanda said…
First, your Valentine's Day sounded just lovely. So relaxing and peaceful. I loved that you had heart stuff for every single meal. Glad that you guys didn't get hurt!

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