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Grocery Shopping with Two Bikes and a Babe

We had blueberry oatmeal for breakfast.

You know, since we went berry picking last week.

Every few weeks I try to see if Meadow can spoon feed herself. This time she seems to have gotten the hang of it. 

I got up a little after everyone else and had to add some brown sugar to the oatmeal. I can't eat oatmeal unsweetened.

Recently Brooke has been choosing three meals while I choose the other half.

We had quite a few vegetables in our fridge from last weeks farmer's market trip. We came up with meals that were based off of what we had.

We decided to bike to both the farmers market and the coop. First stop was the Minneapolis Farmers Market.

I do miss not getting a CSA every week, but its been fun to come here and choose the things we actually want. 

It's finally getting to that time of year when we get most of the produce on our list from the market.

We already had most of our veggies from our stop a week back. We just picked up the remaining balance.

The market is always good people watching.

Meadow loves watching all the people too.

Back to our bikes and onward to the Seward Co-op.

The weather was acting really strange. It would go from warm and sunny to dark clouds and drizzling on and off all day.

The bike ride took us through downtown...

past our first apartment together, a.k.a. the Punk House, and... 

(Also known as The Cube.)

down Franklin Avenue.

I wish all the co-ops were as awesome as Seward.

I wish we lived closer to one, but it gives us an excuse to go for a bike ride across town.

Our favorite cherries were in stock. You can bet we grabbed a bunch.

Turns out their from Michigan and Wisconsin.

We were famished from our bike ride. So, besides the groceries, we picked up a sammy to split.

We decided to head to the nearest park to eat said sandwich. 

Meadow was quite determined to crawl up this slide at Riverside Park.

To say she loves climbing would be an understatement. This may be part of the reason she doesn't care for walking yet. 

Meadow was sad to leave, but we had milk to get home.

Brooke got to haul Meadow while I towed the groceries in the trailer. This is why we have both.

It seems like every bike ride we go on there's a new trail open. This is the newly opened Bluff Street Trail. It's a nice straight shot instead of the meandering West River Road.

It also bypasses a few hills. 

It started to rain so we took a little break under the Hennepin Avenue bridge while Scott put his camera in a dry place. 

Naturally Meadow fell asleep on the trip home. We stayed outside to let her snooze a little longer. I like that she still has a tight grip.

Our garden has been doing pretty well. We have a lot of tomatoes growing.

Eggplant and beans are growing quickly.

We have never had success growing bell peppers because the plants would usually get crowded out by bigger plants. We may actually get a few this year.

The label says hot pepper. I'm not really sure what is growing here.

We will definitely need another trellis next year.

We took turns watching Meadow nap.

Eventually it started raining again and woke her up.

Arugula, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and parsley from the farmers market.

The hanging basket is looking good.

Peanut doesn't like drinking from his water dish anymore.

For lunch we had leftover stuffed poblanos. Then we decided to pick up a few more things at Costco.

While at Costco I hit my head on their metal shelves. I think I might have gotten a minor concussion.

Brooke cooked dinner while I let my brain rest.

Sesame chicken with brussels sprouts. 

Meadow has been doing much better with eating. She will at least try everything. 

After dinner I picked some flowers from the yard.

While the wife put Meadow to bed, I made zucchini brownies. 

We ate said brownies while watching True Detective. Good show.


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