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Meadow @ 10 Months

At 10 months Meadow weighs 17 pounds 15 ounces and is 26 1/2 inches long.

I feel like she has grown up so much this month. She's starting to understand us more and has become more playful. She loves playing peek-a-boo, rolling a ball back and forth and pretends to give you something then doesn't let go. 

She's a tug of war master.

One of her top middle teeth has poked through and another should be coming soon. In total, she has five teeth. 

 She currently loves Peanut's ears and tail, laughing at everything, eating anything and everything off the floor, exploring, watching kids, the beach, grass, panting like a dog, eating paper and being pushed in the swings at the park.

 Her hair gets lighter and lighter.

Pssst...It's because she's in the sun more. It happens to her papa every summer.

 She still wakes up once or twice at night. Two nights in a row she slept through the night.

 She doesn't seem to like her glasses and pulls them off. We think she may need a new prescription.

 She eats three meals a day. Usually a version of whatever we are eating. She much prefers feeding herself so we hardly do purees anymore. She still doesn't like yogurt, but will eat oatmeal. She doesn't seem too fond of lentils (unless they are on the floor).

 We went on a two week road trip this month and she did great until the last 2 days.

 She likes to scream really loud when she's excited or mad. She knows when I do sign language with her what they mean, just hasn't figured out how to do it back.

She finally understands her name and will look at you when you say it. 


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