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Florida Or Bust: St. George Island Adventure, Boiled Peanuts, Escape from Florida and an Alabama Mellow Mushroom

Day 11

 Our favorite alarm clock.

I guess she's better than the real thing.

I couldn't find my lens rag this morning, so I used my lens pen instead. Brooke thought this was hilarious.

There's Meadow with her new sleeping bag, that's as big as her.

Since we didn't get to explore the island last night, we thought we would today.

We packed up everything but the tent in hopes that it would dry off.

It was the coolest day since stopping in Indiana. I may have been overreaching with the sweater. Meanwhile Blake stuck to shorts and a t-shirt.

I guess we got used to the Florida heat.

I love that our campsite was made up of crushed shells.

Our little neighbor.

I love the beach combers here.

This reminds me of being at Pictured Rocks in the U.P.

Except there was giant cliff, we were on an island and it was rather flat.


These folks came prepared.

The gulf felt like bath water in this cooler air. If it only it was sunny today we could have spent some time swimming.

We collected more shells again.

We just kept walking along the beach. Then crossed over to check out the other side.

We initially planned to hike to the end, but we weren't sure where it ended.

As this side faced the main land, we found lots of garbage washed up.

This depressed me. I wanted to pick it all up.

We found another horseshoe crab. This one was alive and tipped over. Blake turned him back over and sent him back to sea.

The hike back was a tight squeeze along the tiny beach.

Then we saw this sign. When Scott went to get a campsite the night before he said we had the option of doing a hike in site. We decided against it since it was rainy and windy.

But dang it we could have slept on sand.

It would've been comfy.

We had to cross dunes to get back to our campsite.

I started carrying Meadow because she was getting antsy.

It was starting to get warmer so I tied my coat around my waist, 90s style.


We went up and down the dunes trying to find the clearest path.

At times it felt like we were a little lost, but the main road was just over the hill.

Blake took some really great photos of our sand dune adventure.

I was never going down the hills with my little bear.

"Best vacation ever!"

Indeed, Meadow. Indeed.

I ran down the next hill with Meadow to make up for my wussy moment.

Meadow wanted to hang out for a bit.

I really liked looking at all the homes on stilts.

This part of Florida was turning into one of the highlights of the trip..

Coming off the island we saw a boiled peanut stand. You know we stopped for some. And they were delicious.

We got the spicy varietal. They were so good.

Driving along the coast things started returning to boring tourist-haven Flordia. We did manage to get a decent lunch at Blue Fig in Panama City. Highly recommended.

Blake wanted to get some postcards before we left Florida. We stopped at the most touristy store we could find.

This was probably the least gaudy place we had seen in a while. Do you remember Destin?

It was full of more then just shells.

All I remember were the shells.

Meadow was hungs so Blake and I went on our trademark breastfeeding adventure.

Behind Sea Shell City  was a vacation home that looked abandoned. I'm guessing the owners weren't in town.

US 98 had been good to us. Soon we'd be passing into Alabama.

Scott caught some Catholics getting out of church.

I'm not sure about Catholics. Does anybody else do Easter Vigil?

The sunset over Mobile's many bays was stunning.

I pulled over to get a shot of the city in the distance.

I found this place on yelp or something. The hours were wrong on the app. It was closed for the night.

We settled on the Mellow Mushroom down the street as they were celebrating 420 all month long. We then discovered it was a chain. I thought I had seen on in Atlanta.

It was only a few hours before the pothead's favorite holiday. So, why not?

It may have been a chain, but it was vastly superior to Waffle House. Never again Waffle House. Never again.

Our waitress came by with this toy for Meadow. Someone had left it behind and she put it through the sanitizer before bringing it to us. How many toys can Meadow get on this trip?


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