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Meadow Goes Sledding At Minnehaha

Sometimes when Meadow wakes up in the morning she plays for awhile before calling us to come in. I heard her playing this morning and checked on the monitor that she was chewing on her blanket in her bed. Awhile later I checked again and she was on the floor in just her diaper. Her pajamas were several feet behind her. I'm not sure how she did it, but she's a regular Harry Houdini.

At least she didn't take her diaper off.

Before we went on an adventure I had a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter. Brooke thought that was weird.

Earlier this week Scott and I got hit with the stomach flu. Both of us hadn't been this sick in a very long time. Luckily Meadow stayed healthy. It was also very cold this week so we didn't really leave the house much. I thought that since it was warmer out we should go outside today

I thought Minnehaha Park would be a fun place to take Meadow for some winter fun.

Of course we brought Meadow's sled.

I figured it would be busy since it was nice out, but I wasn't expecting this many people to be in awe over the frozen falls. The times I've been here before during the winter it was never this crazy.

I'm guessing they must have heard about it on the news.

I tried to get a better view of the crowds, so I jumped over the wall.

I needed a ladder to get a clearer view.

A woman and her mom asked Scott to take their photo then returned the favor by taking our photo. Two family photos in the same month.

We wanted to go down below to get a closer look at the falls. The stairs were closed for the season and we didn't feel comfortable walking down them with Meadow. So, we went the long way around.

We took turns dragging our little rascal.

Every once in awhile I would have to put Meadow's mitten back on.

After a little hike we were on our way down to the creek.

When she gets older we're going to have to try this sledding hill.

Meadow seemed bored with things so Scott started running to liven things up.

We made it all the way to the mighty Mississippi.

Meadow was a good sport and didn't complain the entire 2+ hours we were outside today.

We kept running into this photography club. They were loving Meadow in her sled. After the frozen falls I think she was most photographed thing today. I kept catching people everywhere taking our picture.

We went back toward the waterfall and checked out the gawkers.

Once we got home Scott left to go help the neighbors with some tech problem while I reheated leftover homemade pizza.

I fixed a neighbors wifi because that's what a former Geek Squad agent does.

With us being out of town and sick I've been slowly taking down the Christmas decorations.

With all the excitement from the day, Meadow didn't nap much so I figured she would want to go to bed early. She did, but then woke up not too long after, so we let her watch Downton Abbey with us.

She also helped me knit this snake sweater.

Brooke's been knitting this thing for a while now. She won't tell me what it's really for.

Then it was back to bed for Little Bear, Mama Bear and Big Bear.


Amanda said…
I commented on this several days ago and it didn't save! Now I don't remember what I said.

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