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Best of 2013

It's that time of year again to talk about the past year and look forward to the new year. With lots of lists of course. 

First of all let's see if the things we looked forward to in 2013 that actually happened.

Things We Look Forward to in 2013
1. Being parents. YES
2. Being a real aunt and uncle. YES
3. Going on a babymoon. YES
4. Kayaking in the summer. YES
5. Having more close friends become parents. YES (Meadow has so many friends already)

Things I want to knit this year
1. A sweater NO
2. Socks NO
3. Something for the baby YES
4. A scarf for my sister NO
5. A new hat NO
I need to be a more dedicated knitter this year

House Projects
1. Replace the back door NO
2. Make a nursery YES
3. Put up another side of the fence NO
4. Reglaze all the windows NO
5. Finish the upstairs bathroom NO
We suck as homeowners. Oops. 

Best of 2013
1. Meadow! (Of course)
2. Both us being home more to raise Meadow together.
3. Going to California
4. Being able to travel whenever we want.
5. Seeing the majority of friends as parents. 

Worst of 2013
1. Even though it's great being able to spend more time together money is tight. We've had a few scares with money this year that we hopefully won't have a problem with this year, but none-the-less this year has been a lot of fun.
2. The long winter last year and extremely cold winter this year. And with having a baby in summer I feel like I've missed out on a lot of outdoor activities. 
3. Knowing that I will never get to hear my Grandpa's stories again. 
3. Again not a lot of bad stuff. 

And on to 2014

Thing We Look Forward to in 2014
1. Watching Meadow grow.
2. Taking Meadow on adventures. 
3. Going on a business trip to Florida and North Dakota together.

Things We Hope to Accomplish in 2014
1. Learn to Crochet
2. Worry less
3. Eat less sugar. Not totally eliminate because I have no self control, but eat a lot less of it. Pregnancy made me more into sweets than I was before. Sorry Scott. (Brooke)
4. Since I'm now better at glazing windows, I hope to get ten windows done by the end of the year.
5. Eat more sugar. I love homemade sweets. I feel like we didn't make enough in 2013. We've got to make up for that. Sorry Brooke.
6. Make more photo albums/print photos


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