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Third Annual Torres-Tuska Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza (Plus Harvest Garden Cleanup)

The first frost was finally coming. It was time to clean out the garden and harvest what was remaining. Here's are first success at celery. 

Our best garden yet. Next year we have a new plan on where to plant things since most plants die from being crowded by others. 

They were crowded because someone didn't read the many rules of square-foot gardening. Planting four brussels sprouts next to one another is not the way to do it. Anyways...a few days later...

We still haven't turned on our heat. I thought using the oven today would be a good idea. I made big pancake for breakfast and Scott says, "I'm getting sick of big pancake." How can you get sick of big pancake?

It's really tasty and all, but there some many other options.

Meadow watched from below. 

And above. 

She's really getting interested in food. A few more months little bear.

Meadow has been very grabby lately. Especially during feedings. This time she stole my nursing pad. 

Right after breakfast we headed over to Cevonne and Jose's for our annual pumpkin carving. 

Jose was working on his next beer creation when we arrived.

I was excited that they had two brewskis already on deck. Nothing better than beer and pumpkin carving.

Jose and Cevonne seemed excited to see Meadow. JT hadn't seen her for quite a while.

I also got to have some beer.

We were making fun of everyone on Facebook putting their babies inside pumpkins. Putting her on top is way cooler.

I needed Meadow to help me with my pumpkin. 

Cevonne and Jose always beat us with their giant pumpkins.

Yeah, but were their's $3.99 at Trader Joe's?

This year Madeline got to join in. 

She helped out mommy by pulling the guts out.

I used Meadow's hands to make eyes and her feet to make the smile. 

That pumpkin kind of looks like Meadow.

I'm taking myself more seriously every year. The top lip could've been much better. Next year...

We had finished ours before they even started theirs. 

Madeline brought out her inner Pollack to make hers. 

This girl's got talent.

JT took himself very seriously even though his pumpkins are always very funny.

While this dragged on, I drank some more beer. I can guarantee that.

This was when they decided no more giant pumpkins. Hopefully next year we can grow our own carving pumpkins. 

The back of Jose's pumpkin looked like a butt so he made a thong to go along with it. 

Cevonne was still getting started.

Eating fingers like usual.

We were supposed to stay for part of the day so they could clean their garage, but Jose made pizza so we stayed for dinner. 

It's looks like a tie this year. They all turned out awesome. In order Cevonne, Scott, Madeline, me and Jose. 

Meadow was getting grumpier as the day went on.

I think Madeline was also ready for bed.

Meadow was being super fussy. Cevonne gave us a break and took her from us. Madeline wanted to be held too.

Then we decided to head back to north.

I put out our kick-ass pumpkins.

Looks good. 

We gave in and put the electric radiator in our bedroom for the night. 

Scott's phone broke and needed to send it in. He searched our closet for an old one to use. 

None of them ended up working. I'm guessing the batteries were shot after all these years.

In the process he ended up reorganizing the whole closet. Thanks Scott I've been meaning to do that.

Your welcome.


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