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Brittany's Babyshower

We traveled to Wisconsin again, this time for my sisters baby shower. Luckily I have Friday afternoons off so we could leave by noon. We also picked up Brittany along the way. My mom made us dinner when we arrived and during dinner I discovered a Christmas present that wasn't given to me. Super cute cloth napkins. 

Mama Gail made what Brooke and her siblings dubbed "craperole." It was some kind of pasta bake. I actually liked it.

Brittany and I had gotten our pajamas on not realizing we picked out the same outfit. I can't wait until my belly is as big as hers.

My parents are giving Brittany their old changing table. Jaspurr thought it was his bed.

I thought it was a new TV stand.

My dad thought he needed a diaper change.

Now he's all clean.

The next morning my dad made sausage and eggs for breakfast. Us girls had packed up and left for the shower before Scott woke up.

I had to run off to Mr. Mike's shop to photograph, so I quickly ate and then headed out.

Since the food at the shower was just going to be snacks we stopped for lunch on the way.

My mom and I made strawberry cake and strawberry cream cheese frosting since Brittany's having a girl.

We decorated my grandmas house before the guests came. Chelsea had a cute idea that for every clothing item you brought would be a chance at winning the door prize.

Of course the door prize was a Nordic Ware Valentines theme.

Meanwhile, I took pictures of Mr. Mike's flooring business for Google Business Photos. 

I was also supposed to repair his computer, but the disc I brought with me to test his machine was a DVD. His computer is so old it only had a CD drive.

I've been doing these Google business tours for the last few months as part of my photography business. I thought I should shoot Mr. Mike's business since it might help him out.

When I got home Mr. Mike asked me, "Did you shoot the warehouse?" Doh! I guess I'm going to reshoot when I head back to Appleton for a different business. 

Once everyone arrived for Brittany's shower we played games.

A lot of people were way off on guessing the width of her belly.

Even I couldn't get it right.

So much pink.

This is why we don't want to know if it's a boy or a girl. Please, no pink either way!

We then moved into the other room to open gifts.

A handmade blanket by Grandma of course.

Wow Brooke. How many pictures of baby clothing can you take?

I didn't think you were going to add all of them.

My mom wanted a picture of us girls. Pointing at Brittany's belly of course.

I ran around for a while looking for a cheap portable DVD drive for his computer. I went to every shop possible and didn't find a good deal.

I came home and Mr. Mike was watching some trippy early 70s film. We then went to Save a Lot to pick up things for dinner.

Back at home Scott and my dad had tacos waiting for us. 

After dinner we stopped over at my friend Amanda's for awhile. I'm glad I got to see her again. Lately we've been bad at taking photos and this time we even forgot to bring a camera. 

Back at home we had sherbert leftover from Brittany's party.

 One can never go wrong with sherbert.

Except I threw it up a half hour later.

The next morning I was disappointed breakfast hadn't been made yet.

My dad gave in and made blueberry pancakes.

I already miss Jaspurrr.

Brittany was just getting over being really sick and I was starting to get a sore throat and feel achy. There was a snowstorm headed our way so we needed to leave early. I was too tired to move.

Mr. Mike got a deer this year so we took some meat home with us. I'd like to go hunting, but I'm afraid I'd shoot myself in the foot.

When I was in high school my dad sacraficed half of his workshop in the basement to build me my own room. Last summer he tore down the wall so he could expand again, but left the walls and closet excatly as I had left it. He told me before we left I needed to clean out my old closet and take stuff with me.

I kept finding all sorts of things that brought back memories.

I still remember visiting Brooke in that little room. She was such a hippy. I loved that.

Brooke was really proud of her Las Vegas clay sign.

We ate leftover tacos before hitting the road.

About a half hour into our drive the snow started coming down.

Then the fog froze and everything turned completly white and at times I couldn't tell where the road was or if it was going to turn.

This is not the time to have Brooke at the wheel.

At least I only had one panic attack this time.

In Stevens Point she nearly went off the road after taking a turn too fast.

Eventually I took over. The entire time I was driving, Brooke couldn't keep her eyes open.

We didn't have any food to make dinner at home so we stopped downtown in search of some grub.

Hell's Kitchen was closed for an employee party. Rats.

We settled on Key's Cafe. Once we were there we realized their food is pretty average and nothing really sounded that good to us.

I guess it was OK. I'd never suggest going there unless you're desperate.

Back at home I was still feeling sick so I drank chamomile tea and headed straight to bed. 


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