Scott decided to sleep in today so I made my own breakfast and left him to making his own. He eats quickly before heading off to work for the day. While he was at work I decided to do a million things. I'm not one to sit still. Even when I'm "relaxing" I'm still doing something else like knitting. I could never have an office job or something that had me stay in the same place. So today I made granola, anadama bread, cleaned out the fridge, made gaucamole, took a break for lunch, washed all our light fixtures, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed and washed the floors and made butter. Oh and I made dinner. Chicken tikka masala. I did however forget to make naan. The first thing Scott says when he comes home is, "Holy dishes Batman!" Then Scott is left to all the dishes while I get to relax knit. We end the night early with reading in bed.