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A Lovely Day

The time change didn't really affect me and I got up at my normal time. To Scott it meant sleeping in even later. While he was still asleep I worked on our meal planning and grocery list.

Once I finally got up we were both ready to go grocery shopping. Brooke even had all the bags packed.
We tried to figure out somewhere to eat brunch.

We had decided Bad Waitress when we remembered that the Lowry Cafe has breakfast and we hadn't been there in a long time.

Brooke ordered the corned beef hash special.

I got the mighty big Jordan breakfast. I was full for the rest of the day.

 We mostly shop at the Seward Co-op even if it's halfway across town. Once the Lowry Bridge reopens we'll likely go to the Eastside Co-op more often.

Via bike. 

As always ,Brooke writes our dinner list on the chalkboard.

According to Sprout Robot this week it's time to start tomato seeds. I like that their instructions come with little drawings.

I have 3 kinds of tomatoes. Last year only two of the plants actually grew. This year I am hoping to get at least two plants each. If I learn to can and am successful at it I may do more next year. 

And according to Sprout Robot the seeds should sprout on March 20. 

It was awfully nice out so went for a walk. Our original plan was to bike somewhere, but we're likely to run out of daylight. Plus it looked chilly outside.

Our stucco will soon be patched and painted. I was thinking we could maybe go with a combo like this, but then we'd need to repaint the trim right away.

This is our favorite home on the parkway near our house. Brooke thought I was creep for taking pictures of peoples homes.

Eventually we ran into this weird asphalt patch between Minneapolis and Golden Valley. We walked down a nearby block into a GV subdivision until it ran into Theodore Wirth Park.

We walked through Theodore Wirth Parkway towards our ceremony spot. 

Since we live in North Minneapolis it's totally cool to walk in the street.

Breakfast was so filling that we ate late so we had leftovers for lupper. Bean and chorizo cassoulet made with Scott's homemade sausage. We drank some fine PBR's that we still have leftover from our wedding.

Then Brookie finished our raisin walnut bread, so we could mark this one off our list. 

Then I baked the Cinnamon Raisin bread. 

I tackled more of the puzzle. I can't believe I'm only this far after 2 months. 

Today's movie pick is the Vidal Sassoon documentary. I knew he had his shampoo line, but didn't know much about him. He cuts hair based on your face shape and head. Now I'm curious to know how he would cut my hair.

I thought this movie was going to be boring, but it wasn't half bad.


Amanda said…
So when you go grocery shopping you need to pack a bag? What do you guys bring along? The picture of Scott and the little veggies made me laugh…nice one. The breakfast looked delicious! Why is it called ‘might big Jordan’? I want to grow some tomatoes…you should teach me Brooke!  Is the picture with the little trucks in it on your street? It doesn’t look familiar. Scott I agree with Brooke a little about taking pictures of others homes…I would freak out if I someone take a picture of ours. But I understand why you’re doing it. ; )

How did the bread turn out?? I want some!!
Where we shop you can bring your own containers (we use old jars) to fill bulk items in. That's mostly where we get our food. I may do a tutorial for you when we shop again.

Scott's meal is called the mighty big Jordan because the restaurant is in the Jordan neighborhood and well it's very big.

Amanda go to for gardening tips. It has been helpful even for me. Also read the back of seed packets.

The picture with the trucks was not on our street, but near the parkway.

I told Scott he would be mad if he saw someone taking pictures of our house. He yells at people when they're on our lawn.

The bread was good. Could have been more cinnamony.

Brooke (not Scott)
emma. said…
We should go shopping together more often.

I started my tomatoes last week.. they've already sprouted! Our garlic is already growing in the garden. I'm hoping to start eggplant sometime this week. I'm a little ahead since the weather has been nice. :)
emma. said…
Also, did you know that you can regrow green onions a few times so you don't need to buy them all the time? I'm trying it out for the first time right now. I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Clint said…
Excellent day. I really like the chalkboard you have, too. Very cool.
Emma -- I agree on the shopping part. And let me know how the green onion goes. I'm confused on how this works.

Brooke (not Scott)

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