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A Day In The Life Of Me

This is the actual time I got up this morning. It's nice having days off. 4 out of the 7 days of the week I have off.

I get out of our IKEA framed bed. With Scott gone I take advantage of the whole bed.

Everyone morning I eat my cereal and check out what's new on Facebook.

By the looks of me in the mirror I see I am in need of a shower.

I go fast because I am afraid of the bathtub falling through the floor.

I stand pondering in my makeshift closet looking for something to wear. I always complain I have no dresses when my closet is obviously stuffed with them.

Being the good girlfriend that I am I quickly clean up the room before Scott gets home.

After all the hard work I relax with a game of Beautiful Katamari

Scott finally returns after his long weekend in Milwaukee. Kitty is happy too.

We go downstairs to make lunch. It turns out someone has eaten all our pizzas.

Instead we have cereal and toaster strudels.

Scott leaves me to go to school

Its cold out so he wears his hat

He leaves me laundry to put away

I help Cevonne look for an apartment

I become quite bored

I decide to do some knitting until Scott gets back

The kitchen is a disaster area we got out for dinner. Scott seems excited.

Mmmm Chipotle

I end the night by making the little brother a mix cd

Don't let the bed you saw earlier fool you. We each sleep with our own blankets on our sides.

All in all I'd say this day was pretty boring. I promise my life is a little more interesting than this. I like the idea of this photo diary, I might start making all my posts this way.


Anonymous said…
I liked your photo diary. It made your not so interesting day more interesting.
Anonymous said…
i like the pizza note!!!! i watched viva piniata for you. The frog is mean cuz he sends ppl to human birthday parties. also i learned that beavers are contruction workers in the show.

I want a scarf. I either want a plain dark maroon or bloody color.
or a black and white one.

Id rather have the black + white one. but much longer than the pic. If wool would feel not to itchy and you can do that, then do it. I love wool and i love you brooke. THANK YOU!

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