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That's The Way We Get By

It seems like everytime I go somewhere I don't want to return back to Minneapolis, I always seem to be leaving something that I love. It was nice to get away from my usual repeative schedule that I have every week. I love that vacation feeling, even if it is only 2 days long. Chicago is the new Minneapolis. I remember how excited I was to go to the cities and I couldn't wait to move there. Now I can't wait to move to Chicago. I think I get bored with things too easily.

We made a long cold trip across the city of Chicago to get my wallet. I wouldn't have even known it was the super bowl if I hadn't gone down this weekend. The whole city was pumped for the Bears, people were literally running everywhere to see the kickoff. I played wii for the first time. It just made me miss playing golf, which made me miss summer. It didn't take many pictures this weekend because it was so gosh darn cold.

Things have been good otherwise. I really like school. I know I talk about it a lot, but for once I'm actually learning things that apply to my life. I don't remember anything I learned in English or math. I eat healthier and read nutrition labels. C'mon how many classes have you taken where your assignment was to make these.

I finally bought my ticket to London, it's not all talk anymore I'm actually going for real. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

My dad bought me darkroom equipment. I can't wait to start developing my own pictures. I've been wanting to do so for so long.

38, 48, 127


Anonymous said…
Like I said before, I envy you. How could you not know it was super bowl? COME ON! I'm sick of little chute, I would kill to go to minneapolis or chicago. My school is only fun cuz Im in art, SOOOO much fun cuz we are doing digital photograghy. I love my pictures, like this one... We have to know how to e-mail picture (wich i do) and I'll send you my favorite picture, Okie dokie.

Take Care,
Blake The Roman
Ganna said…
I am so happy for you. You can have your cake and eat it too. Ha ha bad joke. Seriously, call me sometime.

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